I hope you didn't pay that much. The reason why I offer 300 is that this domain has many legal risks. As you know there are already many lawsuits concerning these city-domains and even if one should win this takes a lot of efforts, time and money. As far as I can see the only potential of this domain is tourism. But not many people travel to Sansibar these days... What would your offer be? Regards Andy 這個該怎麼回覆他呢? 好像有點恐嚇我的意味??
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誰說這個domain一定是某個國家的鳥地名的, 你就跟他說你準備開個sansi bar...叫它來suit好了. |
至於什麼法律問題的,等有人找上門再說,況且如果真有問題,那人何必還要自找麻煩來向你買? 這種人不必理他,大概以為亞洲人比較好唬,想嚇唬你而已。 當然啦,心裡也要有個底,既然這是一個專有名詞,是不是真有什麼法律問題在裡面?這是不是也是上一手之所以放棄它的原因?都要列入出售的考量範圍之內,畢竟非一般英文名詞或單字的網名,本來就容易有商標上的麻煩。 |
他還是堅持出價$300, 該怎麼辦呢?? Dear Jack, thanks for your email. Unfortunately we both don't know who bid $800. Sure, Sansibar has 34000 hits on Google but - "therefore" even has 6.6 million hits (still nobody would desperately want to buy "therefore.com") - the international spelling would be "zanzibar", this domain can only be used in Germany - there is a high risk of litigation since this is a city domain that are very much disputed In light of these factors I think 300$ would be a very good offer and I am sorry that I cannot pay more. Best regards Andy
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縱使他是個city domain,不過只有在德國是這樣拼, 德國人有什麼立場對一個在東非坦尚尼亞的觀光聖地主張權利? 坦尚尼亞人也不會管,因為在國際上他叫zanzibar, 所以,不要理他, 把開價提升到$900,然後跟他說,你唬人的態度令我不滿, 我寧可用$100賣給誠懇貧窮的坦尚尼亞人,讓他去賺德國觀光客的錢也不賣給你, 他要是再回$300,你就加quote=domainplayer]uote="domainplayer"]對方又回信了!! 他還是堅持出價$300, 該怎麼辦呢?? Dear Jack, thanks for your email. Unfortunately we both don't know who bid $800. Sure, Sansibar has 34000 hits on Google but - "therefore" even has 6.6 million hits (still nobody would desperately want to buy "therefore.com") - the international spelling would be "zanzibar", this domain can only be used in Germany - there is a high risk of litigation since this is a city domain that are very much disputed In light of these factors I think 300$ would be a very good offer and I am sorry that I cannot pay more. Best regards Andy[/quote] |
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