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您要幫自己註冊一個 中文域名 了嗎 ?
(由 IDNclub.com 上 俄羅斯版友 Sokol 翻譯) So, you want to get a Chinese language domain name? 20 March, 2006, 17:27 In all likelihood, Chinese language domain names will soon enter the life of the virtual world. The ICANN corporation, which is responsible for the delegation of internet address domains on the Internet, is already actively testing Chinese language domain names. As RU-CENTER reports, the first Chinese domain name auction took place, with over 10 domain names being sold, among them: lenovo3000.com, tiaotiaolong.com, maxiaotiao.com, ganxie.net, duomeizi.com, and even a domain "jian lin duan wu ji", which, if translated from the Chinese, is the name of the famous dragon festival in South Korea, "jia chun qiu", which means "Family, Spring, and Fall". The opening price for the above-named domains ranged from 200 yuan (about US$ 25) to 30 000 Chinese yuan ($US 3750). "Domain name auctions have a great future, even if we are talking about Chinese language domains. The prices for multilingual domains, it is likely, will be even higher [in the future], because they are easier to use and are more natural for Chinese people, and these names are more applicable for those companies that are developing their brands Under-heaven", said Liu Zhiyan, the representative of the Chinese national information center CNNIC. According to him, the launch of the auction shows how important and relevant the domain name industry is for entrepreneurs in China. CNNIC even considers that the auctioning and sale of domain names will be a very popular thing Under-heaven. Translated from Russian by Sokol. Original: http://itnews.com.ua/20711.html Post 這篇文的用意在告訴大家 - 外國人 (甚至連 俄國人) 越來越重視 中文 了 ~ 如果形成 世界 的潮流; 那麼對於咱們這些以中文為 "母語" 的人而言 - 至少佔了上風 ~ 尤其在 IDN 領域裡... |