***************************************** Important ICANN Notice Regarding Your Domain(s) ***************************************** Dear xue , It's that time of year again. ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) annually requires that all accredited registrars ask their domain administrators/registrants to review domain name contact data, and make any changes necessary to ensure accuracy. To review/update your contact data, simply: + Go to https://XXXXX.bluerazor.com/1314=ICANN + Click on the "ICANN Domain Confirmation" icon at the top of the page + You will be taken to a landing page and asked to enter your Domain Information Key: 12345678-abcde-f907-n6166668 + Enter your key and click "Go." Next, simply review the contact information for each domain name. To make a correction, log in to "My Account" with your customer number or log in name and password. Click "Manage Domains" and then "Contacts." If you find that your domain contact data is accurate, there's no need to take action. If, however, your domain contact information is inaccurate, you must correct it. (Under ICANN rules and the terms of your registration agreement, providing false contact information can be grounds for domain name cancellation.) To review the ICANN policy, visit: http://www.icann.org Should you have any questions, please email us at mailto:support@bluerazor.com or call our customer support line at (480) 624-2583. Thanks for your attention and thank you for being a Blue Razor customer. Sincerely, Blue Razor Domain Support If you are the domain administrator of more than one Blue Razor domain account, you may receive this notice multiple times. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2006 Blue Razor Domains, Inc. All rights reserved 我点击上面的连接,直接到达bluerazor.com网站,但还不敢输入用户名和密码,怕中标, 请大家指教,这封信是真的吗? 谢谢。
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
連到bluerazor.com後, 最上面有個icann的圖示, 點進去後輸入email中給你的那一串Information Key, 然後點Go, 看看出現的domain的註冊訊息有沒有錯, 有錯的話可以進你自己的帳戶更改, 沒錯的話就不用裡他了 不放心的話不需要點他的link, 直接輸入bluerazor.com連過去也可以 |