如何設定DH虛擬主機的CNAME? 他都會出現畫面上方的紅字 就不給我加 謝謝
你是不是要把 email.nike.tw 拿來當 gmail 的登入網址呢?看訊息的意思是說已經有了 email.nike.tw 的設定,你可以試試看直接修改現有紀錄。
ps. 我沒有用 DreamHost,純粹猜測。 |
我是要用Google 的 網域網頁 服務~
然後我就是用Google 自動幫我調整DNS紀錄, 就是下面的選項~ Automatically configure your DNS records 然後都一直等..就無法動作埃 ^^ 下面是DH的回覆 ================================================== Hello, On Mon, 11 Dec 2006, you wrote: > Dear Sir, > > (1) > I still can't set up the sub-domain ,mail.nike.tw, I have been waited > for 2~3 days, but your system just only answser me the following sentence. > > Can't add domain: we set this sub-domain up automatically for you. This is because you already have it set up via your custom MX for the domain. If you would like to actually have the mail. subdomain then you will need to remove the MX record, create the subdomain, then re-ad the MX records. ps. 但我查看, Record (nike.tw zone) Type Value mail MX 0 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. 有一個MX紀錄, 但我無法再加 CNAME了~~ 我是不懂CNAME和MX的作用啦 ^^, 它們兩個不可以同時存在嗎? > (2) > > I can't change CNAME records of the sub-domain, Email.nike.tw. Please > help me to set ghs.google.com to it. > > thank you very much That's because you have an actual subdomain already! You can remove the subdomain from the panel and then add a CNAME for email. on your main domain DNS if you would like to use a CNAME instead of A records as you have now. ps. 我來試試這個 ^^ Let me know if you need me to clarify any of these. It seems like you have a good grasp on what you are doing and just needed a little guidance. Thanks! Dastyni
如果你的 email 要用 @nike.tw ,那麼 MX 的 host 就改用 @ 而不是 mail。
再把 mail.nike.tw 設定 CNAME 至 ghs.google.com 就可以用來當登入頁面。 |
我把email.nike.tw 子域名砍掉...結果他在nike.tw的DNS還是有email.nike.tw的紀錄~~ 所以我就新增一個完全沒關係的 my.nike.tw 加上CNAME...結果可以加耶^^ 然後再到Google那裡設我的 網域網頁 發布~~嘿嘿~~立刻就可以用了耶 ^^ 解決了~~ ^^ 謝謝 wmh 大大的解釋 ^^ 感恩啦~~