標題 : Notice regarding your RegisterFly account 因為Enom是Registerfly的上線,所以只要透過信中的連結在Enom註冊帳號, 在Registerfly的域名就會自動轉過去囉!! |
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
我也有收到信,不過他講的是 以前Registerfly是 eNom的 reseller Registerfly 在2006年已經成為ICANN 認可註冊商 在2006年的時候就已經把大量的 domains 從 eNom 轉到 Registerfly 剩下少部份還留在 eNom. 叫那些還留在enom 的客戶現在轉到Registerfly有優惠. We are aware that enom may have sent a notice in regards to the relationship between enom/registerfly. As of February 2006 RegisterFly.com become an ICANN Accredited registrar. We formerly used to resell domain services under enom.com but stopped accepting registrations for them on February of 2006 (1 year ago). Since we are ICANN Accredited we have no need to process new registrations/transfers under enom anymore and spent the past year moving large numbers of names away from enom.com to RegisterFly.com. The amount of names remaining at enom.com is relatively small. Any registrations/transfers after February 1st 2006 are directly under RegisterFly.com, inc. which would not be affected by this. Our top priority is ensuring our customers are not impacted in anyway during this transition. If you are a registerFly.com customer, rest assured we value your business and strive to offer the lowest possible pricing with the best online tools. For a limited time you can renew/transfer your name away from enom.com for only $5.99 per domain name. One year will be added upon completion of the transfer. If you decide to stay with enom as the registrar you will pay considerably higher to renew than the special $5.99 rate we are offering. You can contact our customer care center at 305-674-0165 (8AM to 9PM) or via email at customercare@registerfly.com on specifics on how to move your domain name(s) over and take advantage of these special savings today. |
真有趣....兩間鬧翻了!! 引用:
.com $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 .net $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 .org $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 .us $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 .info $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 .biz $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 |