Thank you for choosing the “Premium Auction” to sell your domains using the Sedo platform.
Unfortunately, after a detailed assessment, the following domains have not qualified (Please see the reason for refusal in parentheses): - *****.com (Q) (Q) = The domain did not sufficiently fulfill the quality criteria necessary for the auction venue. (O) = The WHOIS information of the domain does not match the contact details listed in your Sedo account. (R) = The Domain fulfills all quality criteria, however, the minimum price you suggested was considered too high by the Sedo brokerage team. Our brokerage team recommends the minimum price in the parentheses above, in order for the domain to qualify for the premium auction event. Please apply again with this minimum price. Best Regards, Your Sedo Team 帮忙看下什么意思! |
你的域名不符合 Premium Auction 的要求
原因可能 有下面三種 (1) 你的域名不夠好, 不夠優質 (2) 你whois的資料和你sedo帳號的資料不符合 (3) 域名可能符合優質的條件, 而sedo的團隊認為你的底價太高, 建議你調低底價