原文如下: The New York Times has an interesting story about Steve Marshall, an English travel agent who lives in Spain, sells trips to Europeans who want to go to sunny places, including Cuba, and in October found about 80 of his web sites stopped working, thanks to the United States government. “The sites, in English, French and Spanish, had been online since 1998. Some, like www.cuba-hemingway.com, were literary. Others, like www.cuba-havanacity.com, discussed Cuban history and culture. Still others — www.ciaocuba.com and www.bonjourcuba.com — were purely commercial sites aimed at Italian and French tourists,” reported The Times. It turns out Mr. Marshall’s Web sites had been put on a US Treasury Department blacklist and, as a consequence, his American registrar, eNom Inc., had disabled them. Mr. Marshall said eNom told him it did so after a call from the Treasury Department; the company, based in Bellevue, Wash., says it learned that the sites were on the blacklist through a blog, further notes The Times. Mr Marshall told The Times “he did not understand ‘how Web sites owned by a British national operating via a Spanish travel agency can be affected by U.S. law.’ Worse, he said, ‘these days not even a judge is required for the U.S. government to censor online materials.’” And the reason – “Mr. Marshall’s company had helped Americans evade restrictions on travel to Cuba and was ‘a generator of resources that the Cuban regime uses to oppress its people.’ It added that American companies must not only stop doing business with the company but also freeze its assets, meaning that eNom did exactly what it was legally required to do.” But Mr Marshall says he is not interested in American tourists as “they can’t go [to Cuba] anyway.” Professor Susan Crawford, an ICANN board member and “visiting law professor at Yale and a leading authority on Internet law, said the fact that many large domain name registrars are based in the United States gives the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC, control ‘over a great deal of speech — none of which may be actually hosted in the U.S., about the U.S. or conflicting with any U.S. rights.’” 所以要注意的是,這件案子美國政府能管到的部份是註冊商enom,而不是那個網站。所以再一次證明,為了讓你的域名有更進一步的保障,最好能移到台灣的註冊商,至少在司法和行權上,不受美國或其他外國政府的管轄。至少在第一時間不會莫名其妙的陣亡還搞不清怎麼回事。 |
原因是什麼? 我英文不夠好, 無法迅速的看出來~~~
Mr. Marshall’s company had helped Americans evade restrictions on travel to Cuba and was ‘a generator of resources that the Cuban regime uses to oppress its people. 幫助美國人鑽漏洞到古巴, 也是一個古巴政府用來壓迫它的人民的工具?? (是這樣嗎?) Mr. Marshall said eNom told him it did so after a call from the Treasury Department 這是什麼意思? 是財政部打電話給enom證實, enom才這麼作的
此篇文章於 2008-03-06 04:52 PM 被 ras0314 編輯。 |
1. 這個網站幫助宣傳古巴的觀光事業 = 間接幫助了古巴政府(獲利)用來進一步控制壓迫古巴人民 這個公式還能不能成立,還是個問題吧,至少要雙方(網站擁有者和某財政部)在法院辯論過吧... 2. e某公司 直接刪除它的域名也太誇張了, 應該停止對該域名的服務,並且要求他限期將該域名轉換到其他註冊商才對... 總之, e 公司的處理手法 真是不得人心... 3. 竟然是交由某財政部,而不是司法行政部門, 來簡單的就可以干涉域名註冊商的行為, 也真扯啊... 哪天啥咪衛生單位或是捷運系統單位, 看某個網址不爽,也來發個公文就把它幹掉了... PS. 最後的結局一定是, 該網站管理者會很不爽, 然後去別國家的註冊商,註了更多網址,都連結到那個旅遊網站... PS. 而是否哪天也會有價值數億元的網址,也會被用一樣的手法擊落呢!? 此篇文章於 2008-03-06 11:06 PM 被 liou 編輯。 |
有些 domainer 因為害怕某 nic 的黑箱作業而不碰某華人地區的域名後綴
不過美國財政部有一份T&M international ltd.的所有domain列表, http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforce...20041208.shtml 他應該在2004年就被加入黑名單了. 黑名單中的domain,試了幾個,在google跟yahoo都搜尋不到,應該有配合這項政策的執行, 不過很奇怪的是cuba.com是在godaddy註冊的,可以正常解析,搜尋結果也正常. 這裡面可能有更有趣的故事也不一定. 此篇文章於 2008-03-07 03:59 PM 被 wufenpu 編輯。 |