Some good chinese IDNs for sales.
Each 30$,Enom/push,Paypal
娱.net(Fun) 馆.net(cultural or sports activities) 玖.net(nine) 拾.net(ten) 自拍.net(itself to photograph) -----sold 直销.net(direct sale) 罐头.net(canned food)-----sold 纸巾.com(Paper) 防盗.net(Anti-theft) 酒精.net(Alcohol) 客服.net(Customer Service) 气缸.net(Cylinder) 早教.net(Early education) 喷泉.net(fountain) 课件.net(courseware) 偶像.net(idol) 石材.net(Stone material) 空运.net(aerial transport) 纸杯.net(Paper cups) 歌手.net(singer) 便当.net(Lunch) 奶粉.net(Milk)-----sold 脂肪.net(fat) 裁判.net(referee) 成龙.net(Cheng Long) 纸箱.net(paper box) 毛衣.net(sweater) 防伪.net(forgery) 袜子.net(Socks) 视窗.net(Windows) 饼干.net(biscuit) 印务.net(Government Printing) 古筝.net(Guzheng) 声卡.net(Sound card) 黔江.net(prefecture-level city of Chongqing) 涪陵.net(refecture-level city of Chongqing) 招远.net(one of China's top 100 counties) 自贡市.net(refecture-level city of Sichuan) 银川市.net(Yinchuan,capital of Ningxia Province) 西宁市.net(Xining,capital of Qinghai Province) 颈椎病.net(Cervical vertebra sickness) -----sold 电动门.net(Electric door) -----sold 条码机.net(Bar code machine)-----sold 印刷厂.net(printing Factory) -----sold 压克力.net(Acrylic) 做爱网.com(sex site) 展示架.net(Display stand) 老字号.net(old and famous shop or enterprise) 治疗仪.net(Treatment Instrument) 展览馆.net(exhibition hall) 针织品.net(Knitwear) 豆浆机.net(Soymilk Machine)-----sold 离合器.net(clutch)-----sold 电风扇.net(electric fan) 电饭煲.net(Rice cookers) 农产品.net(Agricultural products) 洗衣粉.net(laundry powder) 羊毛衫.net(Wool sweater) 烘干机.net(Dryer)-----sold 供应商.net(Suppliers) 医疗网.net(medical network) 白酒网.com(wine/white wine network) 投影仪.net(Projector) -----sold 调压器.com(Regulator) -----sold 手机电影.net(Phone movie) 安防设备.com(Security equipment) 视频在线.com(Video online) 污水处理.com(sewage treatment) -----sold 鲜花礼品.net(Flowers Gifts) 报刊杂志.com(Newspapers/magazines) 中国天津.net(China Tianjin) 中国香港.net(China Hongkong) 中国台湾.net(China Taiwan) 中国相声.com(China crosstalk) 中国饮料.net(Chinese drink) 中国外贸.net(China's foreign trade) 香港购物.net(Hong Kong shopping) 澳门旅游.net(Macao tourism) 装饰装修.net(Renovation and Decoration) 联通公司.com(Unicom company)-----sold 电子礼品.net(Electronic gifts) 电子购物.net(Electronic shopping) 昆明机票.net(Kunming air tickets) 上海机票.net(Shanghai airplane ticket) 广州机票.net(Guangzhou airplane ticket) 宁波物流.com(Ningbo logistics) 青岛物流.net(Qingdao logistics) 网上贷款.net(Online loans) 网上电影.net(Online film/movie) 温州律师.com(Wenzhou lawyers) 咨询管理.com(Management consulting) 重庆晨报.com(Chongqing Morning News) 陕西物流.com(Shaanxi logistics) 城市黄页.com(City Yellow Pages) 香港家具.com(Hong Kong Furniture) 家庭装饰.net(Family decoration) 不锈钢板.net(stainless steel plate) 电动玩具.net(electrical toy) 中国保险.net(China's insurance) 财产保险.net(Property insurance) 人体写真.net(human body portrait) 加盟连锁.net(join an alliance) 法律论坛.net(lawy forum) 律师论坛.net(lawyer forum) 家庭装修.net(Home decoration) 床上用品.net(bedclothes) -----sold 在线聊天.net(Online chat) 网上交易.net(Internet transactions) Each 50$,Enom/push,Paypal 聘.net(Recruitment) 合租.net(Gathers rents) 体验.net(Experiences) 机箱.net(Engine case) 机柜.net(Cabinets) 工行.net(Commerce bank) 中行.net(Bank of China) 交行.net(Communications Bank) 肝病.net(Liver disease) 景观.net(landscape) 八卦.net(entertainment,chat,Gossip) 面料.net(Fabric/Fabrics) 作品.net(Works) 演出.net(Performances) 照相.net(Camera) 恋人.net(lover)[dynadot.com push] 建筑业.com(construction industry) 休闲裤.net(Slacks) 妇科病.net(Gynecological Diseases) 大屏幕.net(large screen) 洗衣粉.net(laundry powder) 羊毛衫.net(Wool sweater) 北京游.net(Beijing tourism) 上海游.net(Shanghai tourism) 润滑油.net(Lubricants)-----sold 求购信息.com(Asks to buy the information) 商品信息.com(Commodity information) 汽车修配.com(Car repair) 家居饰品.net(Home accessories) 人体摄影.net(Human photography) 中国物业.com(Chinese property) 中国媒体.com(Chinese media) 浙江物流.com(Zhejiang logistics) 数控设备.com(numerical control equipment) 手机在线.net(cell phone online) 手机电池.net(Cell phone battery) 企业咨询.net(Business Consulting) 心理咨询.net(Psychological consultation) 中国仪器.com(China's equipment) 中国博客.net(China blog) 商业博客.com(Commercial blog) 公益博客.com(Community blog) 南京货运.com(Nanjing cargo) 杭州货运.com(Hangzhou cargo) 成都快递.com(Chengdu Express) 南京快递.com(Nanjing Express) 武汉快递.com(Wuhan Express) 青岛婚庆.com(Qingdao wedding) 成都婚庆.com(Chengdu wedding) 济南婚庆.com(Jinan wedding) 苏州婚庆.com(Suzhou wedding) 西安婚庆.com(Xi'an wedding) 婚庆公司.net(wedding company) 海南物流.com(Hainan logistics) 江苏物流.com(Jiangsu logistics) 广州物流.com(Guangzhou logistics) 南京物流.com(Nanjing logistics) 香港彩票.com(Hong Kong lottery) 中国代理.com(china agents) 在线播放.com(Online play/online to broadcast) 无线网络.net(wireless network) 中国宽带.com(China's broadband) 网络公司.com(Internet company) 中国出租.com(ina rent) 温州房产.net(Wenzhou Real estate) 青岛房产.net(Qingdao Real Estate) 长春房产.net(Changchun real estate) 中国租房.com(Chinese house rents) 杭州房地产.net(Hangzhou real estate) 中国二手房.net(China's second-hand housing) 北京奥运会.net(Beijing Olympic Games) 中国内蒙古.com(china neimenggu) Each 100$,Enom/push,Paypal 出价.net(Bid/offer) 收购.net(buy) 思科.com(Cisco) 流量.net(trafficz/flow) 行业.net(Industry) 门面.com(facade) 宜居.com(Suitable for living) 网赚.net(Network to make money) 西餐.net(Western-style food) 刊物.com(Publication) 机电.net(Machinery and electrical appliances) 雅思.net(IELTS,the International English Language Testing System) 北海.net(BeiHai,prefecture-level city of Guangxi Province) 订花.net(Booking flowers) 鲜花店.net(Flower shop) 交换机.net(switchboard) 四川宾馆.com(Sichuan Hotel) 郑州宾馆.com(Zhengzhou hotel) 中国建设.com(China constructs) 时尚在线.com(Fashion online)
Best IDNs for sales. 此篇文章於 2008-09-27 07:21 AM 被 zhoush 編輯。 |
Simplified Chinese.
Enom.com push,or give the auth code and help transferring. Take 50% off for all. Take 30% off for more than 30 domains. Take 20% off for more than 20 domains. Take 10% off for more than 10 domains.
Best IDNs for sales. |
罐头.net 奶粉.net 床上用品.net SOLD,other still for sales.
Best IDNs for sales. |
other still for sales.
Best IDNs for sales. |
联通公司.com(Unicom company) sold,other still for sales.
Best IDNs for sales. |
still for sales.
Best IDNs for sales. |
豆浆机.net(Soymilk Machine)
烘干机.net(Dryer) 投影仪.net(Projector) 条码机.net(Bar code machine) 颈椎病.net(Cervical vertebra sickness) 润滑油.net(Lubricants) SOLD,other still for sales.
Best IDNs for sales. |
still for sales.
Best IDNs for sales. |