My name is Michelle and I track premium .com domains for Name Auditors.
Our free service tracks XXXXX.com which appears to have recently expired and is now available for public registration. To register this domain name, please click the link at the bottom of this message, or go to www.nameauditors.com and enter your access code: 1246212 We encourage you to register this domain name as soon as possible as expired .com domain names such as this are re-registered very quickly by others. Our registration prices, including domain forwarding, are as follows (USD): 1 year - $15 2 Years - $28 5 Years - $65 10 Years - $120 If you have any questions about this service or would like to register over the telephone please contact me or one of my associates at the following telephone number: 1-888-764-3622 (within North America) or 250-763-0724 (outside North America). Act quickly as domains are registered on a first come, first serve basis. Our free domain tracking is merely informative as we have not reserved XXXXX.com for you. Please register this domain name at: 他所謂的連結 意思好像是他為我留一個域名XXXXX.com.要我用那連結去註冊.應該也是騙人的吧 他說的那個域名我剛剛去看.也還沒到期阿.=.= |