我於昨天收到下面這封 E-mail,奇怪是他的連絡電話怎會是+886台灣國碼,所以沒直接回電
但我去eNIC消費是過年前的事了,他使用的是 www.cc 看不出來是不是轉址,也查不出來 www.cc 的擁有人是誰? 想請教各位大大,這類信件需要理會他嗎?? >_<我是新手不懂才問這笨問題。 Dear xxxxxxxx, <-我的信用卡上英文名字 Thank you for your domain name purchase. For your protection VeriSign screens all credit card transactions to guard against illegal use. Our security screen has indicated that there have been improper credit card transactions related to your .cc Account. Please contact VeriSign customer service at 866-944-7300 within 5 business days to verify credit card ownership by supplying the three digit security code on the back of the card. In accordance with our service agreement, all billing information must be correct. We reserve the right to cancel and refund accounts that offer incorrect information. If you have any questions, or feel this deactivation is an error, please contact us at finance@www.cc. Thank you. Sincerely, The eNIC Corporation. www.cc Client Care / Security eNIC Corporation c/o VeriSign, Inc. ATTN: Customer Service, 4th Floor, LSII 21345 Ridgetop Circle Dulles, VA 20166 finance@www.cc (866)944-7300 Toll Free US & Canada |
866是區碼,而不是國碼吧.... 應該是維吉尼亞州Dulles那邊的區碼。
mailtaiwan.com chujie.com why-takuya.com pingzhuang.com horche.com cubalibre.info grapery.info kennebec.info lovelock.info grapery.org |
Domain Name: www.cc
Registrant: eNIC / Verisign eNic Domains (clientcare@enic.cc) 601 Union Street Seattle, WA 98101 US 206-652-3375 Administrative, Technical, Billing Contact: eNIC / Verisign eNic Domains (clientcare@enic.cc) 601 Union Street Seattle, WA 98101 US 206-652-3375 Record expires on: Record created on: Oct 12 2007 Oct 12 1997 Domain Name Servers: a4.nstld.com f4.nstld.com g4.nstld.com h4.nstld.com i4.nstld.com |
但我的是寫一樓耶....... eNIC Corporation c/o VeriSign, Inc. ATTN: Finance, 1st Floor, LSII ^^^^^ 21345 Ridgetop Circle Dulles, VA 20166 finance@enic.cc 703.948.4113 Finance Fax |
我收到回信了!!!我當初沒回給enic,我比較笨我直接按"回覆"查寄件備份是回信給finance@www.tv,但今天收到回信了,回信的寄件人卻是MAILER-DAEMON@qmail-relay-norm-0 (好像是系統自動回的),(我這篇文章的開頭寫錯了,一開始是finance@www.tv寄通知信給我)回信內容如下....
-------------------------------------------------------------------- (我不想再理他了>_<算了,反正我的.cc域名也只註冊這一個,不給註就拉倒) -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MAILER-DAEMON@qmail-relay-norm-0 [mailto:MAILER-DAEMON@qmail-relay-norm-0] Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 3:33 AM Subject: failure notice Hi. This is the qmail-send program at qmail-relay-norm-0. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. <finance@www.cc>: Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1) I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long. |