去年我在 snapnames 搶了电表.COM
結果他把我的域名放在1morename http:// 1morename . myorderbox . com 沒想到是濫註冊商一個, 本來快過期了(還有快一個月)我就想轉移到其他地方, 結果都不能轉移, 轉移還失敗, 我就想說續費一年後再轉移.. 結果我付費了, 它卻不幫我續一年, 我寫信給support, 只回答我 ==================== I will look into it. -Support ==================== 我等了好幾天, 寫了三封信給support, 都不理我, 域名又快過期了, 我只好把目標轉到 snapnames, 因為我在snapnames得標的, 叫它負責, 結果第二天 1morename 立刻回信給我.. ======================== I renewed your name despite your payment being short .63 cents. -Support ======================== 我勒, 氣到了...我照它的付款程序付費 $ 8.49, 好幾天都不理我, 等我跟 snapname 抱怨後才跟我說我少了 .63 cents 很勉強的幫我續費, 我就回信問他我是照他們系統的付費程序付費, 為何說我少付錢? 6天後回我~~ ============================= I'm going to change the payment page to state that paypal charges are the customers responsability. -Support ============================ 付費程序又沒寫要額外給paypal手續費, 等我付完了就拖時間不理我, 服務態度不好, 不可靠...濫註冊商一個~
此篇文章於 2007-08-21 05:17 PM 被 ras0314 編輯。 |
难道reseller也可以和snap合作吗 那resellerclub的reseller太多了
收购各位版友的四字母com、数字米com/net/cc、三杂米com、拼音米。价格随行市价。站内联系。 |
我知道哪是 reseller
因為我跟 snapnames 抱怨後, 它們可以給我 Auth code 相關的資料, 還跟我說可以幫我設定 lock 或是 unlock 但我不需要那些, 我只是叫他們要負責幫我處理好續費和轉移的事, 但我懷疑為什麼 snapnames可以控制 1morename 的資料 ? 難道那是 snapnames 的下線? 如果是他們的下線, 服務搞的那麼差, 該被罵
下面是我跟 snapnames 抱怨後的回應
Dear XXXX, Thank you for contacting SnapNames.com! Before initiating the transfer of a domain name, there are a few things you will have to do. First, you will want to be sure that the domain name is not locked and you will have to get an Authorization Code (or EPP Code, or Domain Secret). You can get this information from your registrar account. If the name is locked, of course you will be able to unlock it there. I have taken the liberty of unlocking it for you and retreiving the Authorization Code for you. It is xxxxxx. Once you have this information, you would contact the registrar with whom you want the name to be registered, GoDaddy. They will contact your current registrar. You will receive an email asking you to approve the transfer, which you should respond to. The transfer process should take 5-7 days. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.
我前天也有個名字被交到爛註冊商,叫作 Reseller Services Inc。沒主動寄信給我就算了,我想改 NS 還出現錯誤訊息(就是網站掛掉之類的)。*汗*
和snapname合作的不會是像registermore這樣的所謂reseller,它本身一定是可以直接存取到網址註冊局的ICANN registrar。snapname就是利用這些小家的註冊商的連線去幫你抓域名。而通常這些小家的註冊商服務和介面都很差,我不知道它們平常靠什麼在過活,反正一旦抓到域名給你後,等六十天後就立刻辦移轉先,不要等到快過期了才發現自己被搞飛機了。