Strong China quake rattles east Asia
BEIJING, China (CNN) -- An earthquake capable of causing major damage shook central China Monday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It registered a magnitude of 7.5, the survey said. "This is a very dangerous earthquake," said Bruce Presgrave, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake has the potential to cause major damage because of its strength and proximity to major population centers, he said. The epicenter is about 62 miles (100 km) from Chengdu, a city of about two million people, in the eastern part of China's Sichuan province. In addition, the earthquake was relatively shallow, Presgrave said, and those kinds of quakes tend to do more damage near the epicenter than deeper ones. The ground shook in Beijing, which is 950 miles (1,528km) from the epicenter. They felt "a very quiet rolling sensation" that lasted for about a minute, according to CNN correspondent John Vause. "Our building began to sway," he said. The earthquake was also felt in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, and as far away as Hanoi, Vietnam, and Bangkok, Thailand, according to the Hong Kong-based Mandarin-language channel Phoenix TV. There were no immediate reports about the extent of damage or casualties from the earthquake, which happened at 2:28 p.m. local time (2:28 a.m. ET.) http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/as...ake/index.html |
四川強震7.8強震傳出災情 重慶已知4死百傷
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四川強震7.8強震傳出災情 重慶已知4死百傷 下午2點28分左右,您是不是感覺到有地震呢?這次地震,震央是在中國大陸四川,大陸國家地震局測得的地震規模,達到了7.8;就在地震發生不久,又再次發生5.4規模的餘震,已傳出重慶有4人死亡,上百人受傷;大陸國家主席胡錦濤已經下達指示,要求盡快搶救傷員,而大陸國務院總理溫家寶下午已經趕往災區,指導救災工作。 北京一棟大樓地震當時的畫面,所有人都感受到地震,因此不少人顯得有些驚慌,隨後馬上下樓到外面聚集,這次地震影響的範圍非常大,包括北京、上海一帶,都明顯感受到地震的威力。 根據香港TVB最新報導,重慶市已傳出,當地至少已經造成4人死亡,上百人受傷,而在雲南當地,也得知有房屋毀損,實際傷亡情況還不明朗;此外,CNN最新報導也指出,在2點28分的強震發生後,在下午3點34分,又發生規模5.4的餘震。 不過四川當地的情況,當地有沒有災情,目前情況不明,就連四川當地的電視台都一度斷訊,北京一些媒體還聯繫不上當地的記者,而受到地震影響,成都的雙流機場,已經宣布關閉到傍晚6點。 而大陸地震局所測得的7.8規模地震,已經與1976年發生在河北的唐山大地震,同樣規模;至於震央發生地,四川的汶川縣位於四川西北,距離成都大約還有159公里,過去曾經是大禹的故鄉,值得一提的是,包括著名的貓熊基地臥龍,就是在這個地方,有沒有因此受到災害,各方矚目。 . |