Refund From Go Daddy Software, Inc. $9.20 USD Sep. 1, 2005 Completed Details 呵呵,自己还通过中银的800免费电话询问客服小姐,中银客服小姐确认有一笔从Godaddy转回信用卡9.2$的记录. 这是我向godaddy的support在线提交投诉后,godaddy终于将9.2$发还我的PAYPAL账户了。不过感觉这一过程极其艰辛,这是我向godaddy发了第四封信后,才有这个结果的。8月21日自己想尝试在godaddy注册一个域名,由于是第一次在godaddy注册域名,非常多问题不懂得,也向好多位大大请教,而且godaddy有很多广告伴随着整个注册过程,特别是1PAPER大大,我通过论坛的悄悄话一直跟他保持着联系,是他一步一步地教我完成整个的注册过程,只不过在最后一步到PAYPAL结账时遇到了和ilovebb兄和roy兄同样的问题,但我最主要的问题是这个:"Transaction was already processed (10206) There was a problem authorizing your credit. Please verify your payment information or use a different card."这是用PAYPAL结账时godaddy出现的这个提示. 钱被godaddy扣了9.2$,但在账户里却找不到域名,同时等了几个小时还见不到域名,而且域名显示可以注册,于是调转车头赶紧到ENOM那先注册下来再说. 于是接下来就是向godaddy催款的过程,向billing@godaddy.com发了3封电子邮件,除了第一封和第二封有回音之外“回信只是作简单回答”,第三信发过去后再也没理我了,再发过去,信又自动退回来,而且在此时用完全正确的密码登陆godaddy账户也不成功.后来看到bean兄的贴子,他曾经写信向PAYPAL投诉就拿回了自己的钱,不过bean兄建议我最好先给Godaddy Support发信联系后,等结果,到最后一步才向PAYPAL投诉。我接受bean兄的建议,向Godaddy Support在线提交了第四信,终于Godaddy Support在48小时内给我回了两封信.到此事情终于告一段落了. 1.我向Godaddy 发的第一封信(CCK前辈教的): Hello, I using paypal to register a domain,then i got a message "Transaction was already processed (10206) There was a problem authorizing your credit. Please verify your payment information or use a different card." Payment made but the domain not in my account yet! Could you check this transaction and refund to my paypal,thanks! 附上paypal付款账单! 2.第二封信是1PAPER大大提供的模板: Dear Sir or Madam, I registered the domain name, 網域名稱 with Paypal.com/cn via Godaddy.com on 日期, but it still can not be found in my Godaddy.com account, customer NO.客戶編號 until today. Could you please check it for me ? Thanks you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Regards, XXXX(你的名字) 3.第三封信内容同上,但在最后面加了一段"要求他尽快将钱转回我的PAYPAL账户". 4.第四封信的内容如下: Hello, I using paypal to register a domain,then i got a message "Transaction was already processed (10206) There was a problem authorizing your credit. Please verify your payment information or use a different card." Payment made but the domain not in my account yet! Could you check this transaction and refund to my paypal,thanks! 附上paypal付款账单! Because I worried this domain name can forestall by other people to register walks, therefore hurries in that night to another registration to discuss ENOM.Com there, gets down this domain name registration. But my money has been deducted by GODADDY. I feel what is strange: Why does the same Bank of China Great Wall international credit card have the problem in the GODADDY registration domain name, but discusses the ENOM registration domain name in another registration not to have the question actually? Moreover I have carried on this question to the Bank of China Beijing headquarters the response, the bank staff tell me this Great Wall international card not any question. Finally, I request me 9.2$ to return to mine PAYPAL account, extremely it is a pity, now I in GODADDY account: Fzren987,Has been unable to enter. Best Regards, XXX 信的后半部分内容主要是我先写中文的内容然后再放到翻译器里面去翻译,自己抱着"老外能看懂大概意思就行了"的思想,再催一下.这一催,就催了10多天,真得太辛苦了. 最后再一次感谢大大们的帮忙.
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
催到不行的話,要記得在完成付款的那一天起,45天內趕快向paypal要求cancel,讓他們介入,並且保留所有當初註冊失敗godaddy系統發的信,以及所有與他們聯絡的信件,特別是Godaddy的退款說明(或承諾)。 |
真诚做人,小心做事。 |