I had the exact same thinking when I transferred all my .com.tw to the registrar owned by my friend here in US. The hope was that if there is any company in Taiwan filed against any of my .com.tw, I can deal with it under US jurisdiction. However, do you really think if some company in Taiwan is suing me over my domains; the case will be dealt here in US? No, it was all just my wishful thinking.
Now get back to my point: My point is now a day, people can sue others base on no ground, no ground at all. It’s a sad fact but it sure is true. If it is cost effective thing to do (than buying) and they have a slightest possibility of winning, then people will go for it. They MAY NOT WIN but they, of course, have the right to go for it. Say if they sue you in some district court in US and you can’t present yourself to the court, you lost right on the spot. They then take the court order to ICANN (not registrars but ICANN) to have the order executed and if ICANN refused to execute the court order, they then sue ICANN and if they lost, they go after Department of Commerce and on and on. Most likely they may not win the case after all that troubles, troubles more to them and some to you, but the question is can they do it? You bet they can and it’s happening more often then one would think. You know it all too well or else you won't titled post: "...用法律搶..." I once seriously thought about getting a law degree instead of doing computational finance for this exact reason... 用法律 to 搶... because then, it will be all legal. 此篇文章於 2008-09-24 08:10 AM 被 dtc 編輯。 |
Dear 各位大大,您們好
域名之爭議,除可透過一般爭議程序,亦可透過司法判決來解決。 網路中文在研究各國域名爭議處理辦法時,就非常了解法域對於註冊人、及註冊商的重要性。因此,網中首創在.COM/.NET 公開WHOIS顯示出本公司法域所在地。 在此,非常感謝各位大大過去對網路中文持續的支持與愛護,是促進本公司進步的最大動力。本公司將繼續您優質與穩定的全球網域名稱註冊服務。 我們也了解現在的網中系統,對於各位大大來說非常不好用,且不符合現有趨勢或功能。 網中早在幾個月前,開始著手修改現有平台功能,及另建立一個全新網中平台。但,我必須向各位大大坦白說明,這二個平台不會是在下個月、或下下個月就能與大家見面,它有可能在未來的幾個月,或幾年內陸續推出。 目前,網中除了一般性:www.netc.tw網站外,另有二個測試型網站,分別為market.net-chinese.com.tw及英文版eng.net-chinese.com.tw網站。 另,我想請教哈大,網中有個不情之請:可否再貴網站新闢一個主題,請網友來談談未來網中系統,及提供我們修改建議及功能性討論。 不知,是否洽當。 |