我的 apple.com 拿來賣 apple電腦不行嗎, apple.com 不等同於 apple電腦...,
我付費的 apple.com 我愛玩就玩, 我的權利. apple 公司不給我賣 apple 電腦, 最多拔掉他的產品, apple.com 是根本拿不走的貝... 不管如何...yahoo.game.tw yahoo.tw 這個很離譜 別人說是他的就他的喔...只是一個法律手法...真的他說了就算嗎... 錢又不是他yahoo.com付的 所以真的胡搞 ascii.tw 根本是一般人可註, 這個定位很清楚 有無 tm 有差別嗎... 同樣的 為什麼網域名稱我就不能用YAHOO? 商標法也只能規範商標吧 總不能無限上綱 台灣域名判官...是白痴...所以 twnic 在胡搞 tw 這一兩次稿下來...只會讓 twnic 很難看...要錢不要臉
Nice_to_see_all...這個帳號不用了...感謝大家的幫忙...希望小弟有一天可以再站起來...Many_Thanks_All |
社群力量發酵 Yahoo!撤回對flickr.tw律師信
文/趙郁竹 2007-09-28 包括flickr.tw的留言、HEMiDEMi討論區、flickr本站討論區,以及批踢踢電子佈告欄的flickr版,都有大批網友聲援站長CK,甚至有網友直接打電話到台灣Yahoo!奇摩反應。 Yahoo!美國總部上週對flickr.tw個人網站發出律師信,希望其將網域轉移給Yahoo!,此事在台灣的flickr相關社群網站上引起網友不平。經台灣Yahoo!奇摩將網友意見向總部反應,並溝通協調後,Yahoo!昨日正式撤銷該律師信。 flickr.tw為網友CK發表關於flickr API程式的部落格。兩年前註冊flickr.tw域名的CK,上週卻接到Yahoo!總部委託台灣理律律師事務所所發的律師信,以違反商標法為由,要求CK將flickr.tw域名還給Yahoo!。 在接到律師信並宣佈將於一個月內關站至今一週內,包括flickr.tw的留言、HEMiDEMi討論區、flickr本站討論區,以及批踢踢電子佈告欄的flickr版,都有大批網友聲援站長CK,甚至有網友直接打電話到台灣Yahoo!奇摩反應。 在HEMiDEMi討論區就有一百多篇針對此事的留言,大都聲援站長CK,並抨擊Yahoo!的做法。網友葛力表示:「先不管flickr.tw 這個網域是不是該雅虎所有,面對CK 這位長期支持Flickr、為Flickr開發過無數工具的使用者,雅虎應該有更好的處理方式。如果 flickr.tw 真的關站了,是Yahoo和 Flickr的最大損失。」 而台灣Yahoo!奇摩也在本週由記者告知而得知此事,並在週三(9/26)以電子郵件和Yahoo!溝通,告知台灣網友意見。Yahoo!奇摩公關經理許卉妃表示,總部其實並無惡意,只是程序性的通知flickr.tw,並非正式採取法律途徑。他也解釋,這是台灣和美國對溝通習慣的不同,雖然台灣Yahoo!奇摩不經營flickr,但出現這樣的誤會情形也不會置身事外,會向總部反應網友的意見。 而Yahoo!總部在得知網友反應後的處理相當迅速,昨日(9/27)就委請台灣理律法律事務所發函撤銷之前的律師信。站長CK也即在網站上公告:「今日前後收到 Flickr founder Stewart與理律蔡律師的來信。Stewart信中大意是他花了些時間終於與加州及台灣的相關人取得聯繫,並已請律師正式撤回該信函。此後,我將與 Flickr 直接協商解決此一網域歸屬爭議及相關法律問題。」 不過在Yahoo!撤回律師信後,flickr.tw是否仍會關站,或是以其他網域名稱繼續?CK透過e-mail向記者表示,由於目前改與 flickr直接協議,但是協議尚未開始,因此flickr.tw往後的走向仍未決定。對於Yahoo!的善意回應,網友也多持肯定態度,網友 Stanly在flickr.tw留言表示:「很高興Yahoo終於肯做出善意回應,畢竟創造雙贏要比樹立敵人來的有智慧多了。」多數網友也希望CK能繼續經營flickr.tw,提供flickr的API程式討論空間。 引用:
新聞說美國要打敘利亞 道瓊跌170點 今天股市準剉賽 我咧...有夠衰... ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is being written to you on behalf of Yahoo! Inc. (“Yahoo!”). Yahoo! is the exclusive owner of all trademark and other intellectual property rights in and to the FLICKR trademark (the “Trademarks”), including the stylized FLICKR logo. Yahoo! owns trademark registrations for the Trademarks. Yahoo! uses the Trademarks in connection with, among other things, its search engine services and online messenger services, and these marks have become firmly associated with Yahoo! in the minds of the public. Based on the foregoing rights, it is a violation of federal and state law for others to advertise, utilize, offer for sale, and/or engage in services in connection with the Trademarks without the express written permission of Yahoo!. It has come to our attention that you have registered the domain name(s) listed below and are operating an active website at such domain name(s): flickr.tw Your selection and use of the above listed domain name(s) creates the impression that your website is an authentic Yahoo! website, when in fact it is not. The Yahoo! name and mark is fanciful and strong and entitled to a broad scope of protection. There is no other reason for registering a domain name incorporating the Trademarks other than to trade off the established goodwill in the famous name and mark YAHOO!. Consumers are likely to be confused that the domain(s) is somehow associated with or sponsored by Yahoo! when it is not. Your use and registration of the famous YAHOO! name and mark constitutes counterfeiting as well as infringement of Yahoo!’s trademark and service mark rights in violation of the Federal Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq. and constitutes common law trademark infringement and unfair competition under state law. Your actions are also in violation of the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(d). Accordingly, you may be liable for up to $100,000 per domain name registered. We therefore demand that you immediately cease and desist from infringing Yahoo!’s intellectual property. To that end, you must: 1. Immediately deactivate the website(s) located at: flickr.tw 2. Immediately take all necessary steps to transfer to Yahoo! the domain name(s), including: (a) Unlocking the domain name(s); (b) Providing us with the authorization code for the domain name(s); and (c) Subsequently executing any emails or other documents to effectuate the transfer. 3. Immediately cease using the famous name and mark YAHOO! and any other intellectual property owned by Yahoo! or any other intellectual property confusingly similar thereto on any other Internet web sites that you run, or otherwise in connection with your activities. The demands herein are not made to the exclusion of other rights or remedies to which Yahoo! is entitled, and nothing in this letter, nor any act or omission by Yahoo!, shall limit those rights or remedies, all of which are expressly reserved. Very truly yours, Global Brand Protection, Yahoo! Inc.
版上兄弟不知道哪位注册了 yahoo.to
怎么不去索讨呢。呵呵 |