達新牌負離子吹風機 --> 含超量負離子 ?
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
感謝 Ricado 奇葩 (Vincen 兄說: 全台灣 只有 兄台 您一個人 賺得到 微軟 的錢) !
如果 含超量負離子 的 達新牌負離子吹風機 的售價 低於 NT$2000, 那我就去賣場 買一台放在屋子裡, 24 小時 吹送 負離子 - 照顧身體 兼 保暖 ... 呵呵呵 ~~ |
很多記者在寫的時候,並不是那麼專業,但媒體的力量真的很強。 如果再有人告訴你奇異果含高度維他命C,維他命C,具美容養顏效果...,你還會去買一堆來吃嗎? 跟各位大大講一個未經確認的真實故事,大約10年前自立晚報大幅報導空軍35快砲弊案,當我到立委辦公室拿到報紙一及一堆所謂的照片時,當場昏倒,內容是對的,但為了版面漂亮,挑了一張夕陽西下、排列整齊、微微上揚的....110字走砲。 聽當時盧修一的助理說照片是阿扁提供的 ? 只是一直沒機會問阿扁
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
其實現在不少公司的辦公場所都有使用電器設備產生負離子, 只是員工不一定曉得!!
I agree with Vincent. I have dealt with TWNIC numerous time and I must say it wasn't a pleasant experience. It seems to me like TWNIC is lack of the following:
1. Technical incompetent 2. Irresponsible and not professional in terms of customer service 3. Process inefficiency 4. Poor in English communication (I hope TWNIC can understand this message) With that said, it TWNIC is a private business, they will won't last a month in the real world competition. 1. Technical incompetent, a small mistake like recent TWNIC email [TWNIC域名重要通知] (http://www.domain.club.tw/viewtopic.php?t=5476), what a joke! This small mistake indicates how careless TWNIC is and they have no QA whatsoever. This kind of communication mistake ruins TWNIC's image and reputation, which are already not too good. If this is in private sector, this mistake along will indeed drive away business partners and customers. Also, it was about two years ago, I have to constantly dealt with TWNIC about one of the domain I registered but TWNIC decided to give the domain to someone who register the same domain but "later" than I did. The domain was Happy.com.tw. How do I know that someone registered "later" than I did… Well, when I called up TWINIC and TWNIC DBA explained that the ID displayed on the 網域名稱審查書 is the "sequence number" generated by Oracle "DUAL" object. Anyone who is technically competent would know that DUAL object is used to generates "sequential" unique number! Well, I guess anyone except TWNIC. The number on my 網域名稱審查書 was something like XXXX16 and the other person's number was XXXX28, I told the DBA and he just tried to explain his way out and told me no, that is not how Oracle works! &*^#$(#)**(&^#$ I have been in the technical field for almost 10 years and worked on most high tech project imaginable for US DOD (Department of Defense) and NASA, I have never seen the Oracle like that. A new TWNIC invention. 2. Irresponsible and not professional in terms of customer service, try to call TWNIC's support number and see how fast you can get a response back. Try to write them an email and clock their response. Don't forget I live in Maryland, United States. When I called them two year ago, I was put on hold for 30 ~ 40 minutes every time! I don't know about you but my telephone bill wasn't pretty. Not mentioning that I wrote them an email and get no response whatsoever, maybe they just can't read English. What can I do? I don't know how to key in in Chinese. Customer service is one most important factor for business to succeed. Look at how DELL computer pride on their Customer Service before they outsourced the task to India. That's pretty much how DELL succeeded: Great customer service and build on demand. Even with Microsoft, back in around 1995, when I called Microsoft for support, the support was free, it was extremely quick and when they can't solve my problem, they will just send me free software without a fee to just make me happy. I guess TWNIC is not real a business and I wonder what TWNIC CEO do? What business school did TWNIC CEO attend? Maybe he should consider Smith College, University of Maryland. It is a great business school and the focus is on "real-time" business. 3. Process inefficiency, slowness of doing everything: http://www.twnic.net/discuss/viewtop...919f8240d6450f is just one of the example. I have quiet few more examples. And maybe you can help me gather some. I have recently on quiet few BPI (business process improvement) for two of US Fortune 500 companies, Northrop Grumman and Constellation Energy, and one of Taiwan's major computer manufactory company, Acer. All major business with good CEO must to have these questions in mind: How to run business more effectively and how to improve our business process to help the business gain competitive advantage. Well, I guess TWNIC has no competition and that is why they don't care about their inefficient process. 4. Poor in English communication, I often wondering how can TWNIC bridge with its oversea authorized domain retailer. How can TWNIC bridge with the world with their limited English ability. It is a joke. They need new blood and they need new leadership. So, as you can see, TWNIC is lack of all theses key elements to be a successful business. No wonder we are all suffering. To help TWNIC improve, I think I will contact few reporter friend of mine in Taiwan and don't forget this is an election year, so translate this into Chinese and forward this to your Congressman. I declare all above statements are made based on my personal experiences and from my personal view. It has no malicious intend in any way, shape or form against TWNIC. |
Dear DTC,
Thanks for your support on http://forum.twnic.net.tw/viewtopic.php?t=36 Truely. Vincent Liao
Nice_to_see_all...這個帳號不用了...感謝大家的幫忙...希望小弟有一天可以再站起來...Many_Thanks_All |
有人知道 [TWnic]現在是誰當家,
小弟都踢到他們門口. http://forum.twnic.net.tw/viewtopic.php?t=36 還是不動如山?! 可否告知姓名. PM 也可以. 再給他們24小時. 不然小弟會罵更難聽的.
Nice_to_see_all...這個帳號不用了...感謝大家的幫忙...希望小弟有一天可以再站起來...Many_Thanks_All |