WebForwarding如果一開始申請沒有設定,後來再去設定就要收錢了,可能是系統還沒改,因為我們買的就是預註+轉指服務啊! 小弟的 Phorum.Pro其實是轉到 Phorum.com.tw ?
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
我的Code.Pro也是,一直轉到Parking Page
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
只要像women.pro這樣的.pro後輟網站越來越多時.... 就會逼使PRONIC全面開放,屆時會從地下轉向合法化..... 就像哈啦兄提到,目前使用.pro的網站寥寥無幾(其實從google查到的絕大部分.pro網站都是typo,可能為xxxpro.com的誤殖...真實存在的.pro網站不超過一百個),雖然註冊費很高, 但是那些.pro的註冊費幾乎無法讓.pro註冊局生存下去.... 它們唯一能走的路就是開放大眾註冊,降低價格,廢除繁瑣的註冊程序.... 但是未來誰也不敢講.... 賭賭看吧...
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轉自namepros.com Duke的發言
I talked with Encirca President Tom Barrett again this morning and asked him about the nameserver situation since several people have successfully switched them to their own nameservers and have their sites resolving properly. He told me it had been his understanding that the site was set up not to allow a nameserver change but since it is allowing them he said they probably wouldn't enforce the rule (he was going to talk to his engineers about it today). So you may be home free using your own nameservers which would simplify things a great deal. Even if you had to use their nameservers you can still host the domain anywhere you want by changing the A and CName fields at Encirca to point to your host. He said their intent is to give you a working domain for no more than the $49 reg fee the first year ($99 annually thereafter). You do not to have to pay anything for the two third level domains that have to be associated with a second level domain. They automatically register two for you (that you won't even know about) to meet the registry requirement. Since the domain stays in their name and you are only listed on the Admin contact, they also provide the license required by the registry for .pro domains. 主要提到Encirca會自動幫我們註冊兩個三級.pro域名來配合.pro註冊局的規定要求....
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