目前是個人是可以注冊的,需要身份證信息就可以了 部分平台可以建立臨時的個人信息,只需要手機和郵箱認證 價格目前大陸是35-50人民幣,更具賬號的等級決定的
我是來之上海的玩米的,大家多交流,郵箱(MSN):sqonline@foxmail.com qq:79293646 LINE(or微信):sqonline |
100hub 的域名註冊價格 在台灣(繁體中文介面)很有競爭力,
尤其是 .com 及 .cn http://100hub.com/域名-網址/網域名稱價格表/網域名稱...ew=application 建議做一個 "公司簡介" 的頁面, 讓潛在註冊者參考 (或可增加一些對新公司的信心) |
目前在 Dynadot 註冊 .CN
只要 $5.99, 續註 或 移轉入 只要 $9.99 (Bulk Pricing 便宜 $1 ) 而且註冊不必繳交身分證或營業登記影本, 可等到需要設定 name servers 再交即可. 以下節錄自 Dynadot 網頁 : =========================== .CN Domain Restrictions The CN central registry, CNNIC, no longer requires documentation to register a .CN domain. However, if you want to set name servers for your .CN domain, you will need to submit the following documentation: 1.Fill out the TLD settings for .CN domains in your Dynadot account. 2.When you place your .CN domain order, you will receive an email that has information about submitting either a photo ID for individuals or a business license for businesses. 3.We submit your photo ID or business license to CNNIC for audit. 4.If it passes audit, you will be able to set the name servers for your .CN domain. 5.Once you have passed audit, you will not have to go through the process again as long as you keep the same default contact record. Registrants shall make the commitment in the .CN domain name registration agreement: 1.To comply with laws and regulations related to the Internet networks; 2.To comply with the Procedures and other relevant regulations of competent authorities; 3.To comply with these Rules and other regulations as the domain name dispute resolution policy; 4.To ensure the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the registration information submitted. https://www.dynadot.com/domain/cn.html |