![]() 但是我完全沒作弊~連自己也很少進去那頁面~(除了設定完的檢查) 請問有前輩能提供什麼意見嗎? 謝謝~ Dear Rex, I consulted my colleagues today and found that your parking revenue has been deleted. You received emails about this during the previous weeks. We deleted your revenue as we believe that your parking revenue was the result of faking. We sent you emails asking you to explain your statistics. You did not answer the emails. We will pay you the revenue earned during August if you provide us with your logfiles, explaining the faking behaviour: For example - on September 1st, you received 23 clicks from one IP address for the domain acercm.com.tw The same domain received 11 clicks from another one single IP address on August 31st and another 23 clicks on August 27th. This pattern repeats itself on various dates - the domain most affected is acercm.com.tw. Have you bought traffic? Have you used a click-generating program? Please provide us with your logfiles to explain the irregular activity. I will not post this on the Forum, as it is your private business. Kind Regards, Nora Cotter
台南律師事務所 |
這封信很難回,主要是描述 FAKE 作弊, 您是parking到SEDO還是自己Parking.
最好的方法是Parking 到 SEDO不要自己Parking. 重複 Click也要解釋一下. 看來您把SEDO的警告信殺掉了. 參考一下小弟的回覆 http://domain.club.tw/viewtopic.php?t=4821&start=0 |
![]() 別人如果真的按了那麼多次 我怎麼知道~ ![]() 現在粉努力研究vincentliao大大還有whosee大大的文章~ whosee大大的: http://domain.club.tw/viewtopic.php?...r=asc&start=15
台南律師事務所 |
一開始自己架 DNS, 將所有流量導到 Dxx 去 google, yahoo, 還有資料可查出我只開一筆資料. 使用一星期覺得麻煩才全移到SEDO去. SEDO只查超過10筆以上的View , Not Click. 您要很堅決的說 No Fake, 只是八月份應該於九月五日前回覆, 看來八月的CoCo應該是沒了. 這一次好好回信不要再殺SEDO的警告信. Parking的網址盡量不要讓 Google蒐尋到.也不要在討論區出現比較好. 像我在DNforum.com討論的資料 google, yahoo都找的到,小心點比較好. 往另一方向想可能比較寬心, SEDO 沒有砍掉您的帳號吧! |
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現在把他買起來 那是不是也不能 park 到 sedo thanks ![]() |
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Parking後只出現在 DNforum.com 但是也請 SEDO同意 [SEDO]的要求只是不可出現在別的地方 有 [This Domain For Sale] Sale Domain賣網址應為[SEDO]最大收入, 賣網址的人能忍受您賺他的Parking Fee 又到別的地方賣嗎? 其他是作弊FAKE才會警告.但是您堅決的說 no 即可. |