This is the letter I got from Sedo after I wrote a mail to them.
Hello from Sedo, Thank you for participating at Sedo's Parking-Programme ! We've detected some abnormal behaviour with your parked domains while doing a routine check on domains. Your traffic statistics do not conform with typical rates. We would like to know where this volume of traffic has come from, as both Sedo and our advertising partner are concerned about users abusing the parking programme. We would like to make sure that the traffic generated by your domain(s) does not contravene the Terms and Conditions of the parking programme. Such contraventions would include, but are not exclusive to: * clicking yourself * using scripts or other automatic means to generate clicks * using pop-ups * incentivized clicks * anything that does not result from natural traffic If you can provide an explanation for why your domains are receiving such high traffic statistics, that would be helpful for us, and for our advertising partner. Should we deem future traffic to be in breach of the terms and conditions of our parking service, we will withhold the revenue and block you from the parking programme. Your revenue will be noted down in our system. If you can rectify the traffic, we may pay out the revenue during the next month. This email is not stating that you are contravening, or have contravened, the terms of use, it is merely a response to regular checks on the way the service is used. Any information you can give us will aid us in assessing the situation and will be held on file for future reference. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, |
![]() 引用:
這封信也是上次讓 liao 兄嚇了一跳的信... 所以我懷疑這是 SEDO 的技倆... 只要發現流量大的網址... 就亂槍打鳥... 寄給你一封這樣的信... 如果原來就心裡有鬼的... 當然丟盔卸甲落荒而逃... 碰到口拙嘴笨的(尤其是英文程度不佳者)... 真的不知道要從何答起... 最後只能啞巴吃黃蓮... 眼睜睜看著辛苦賺來的錢被沒收... 如果碰到像 liao 兄可以哈啦幾句過關者... 反正 SEDO 也沒什麼損失... 總之就是穩賺不賠... (看來我也要照著 liao 兄的範本, 去哈啦一下...) |
是否是因為 Click rate 太高
所以他們就起了疑心∼ |
是用程式跑的... 而且由系統自動發信... 但是千萬別不理不睬... |
我也會有這種一模一樣的情形~ 但不只是自己的park頁面,別人的也是一樣 而且不只是sedo,yahoo首頁那個啥"她77年次年收入上百萬" 的那個我每次很好奇去點,也都會是空白 但是後來我發現,只要把卡巴斯基關掉就一切正常 不知道best-url兄現在還會這樣媽? 卡巴斯基跟滿多東西都有問題的@@ 之前還跟我的audigy2 的前置面板相衝 後來連音效卡都沒插了才比較正常@@ |
cstw.com cjdlt.com 动漫.tv |