或許整個事件其實是愚人節玩笑 ?
ServerZoo.com穩定快速的虛擬主機 |
前因,加上後果,大家就當玩笑看吧:-) 提供目前為止theplanet所發表的聲明 At approximately 4:15AM CST, a pair of redundant Powerware 500KVA UPS units failed creating a power failure in section B of our DLLSTX2 datacenter. Emergency teams were deployed within minutes and power was restored within minutes but intermmittment power outages did occur until 6:45AM CST. Powerware, JT Packard, and electricians are currently onsite with over 100 Planet technicians working to resolve the issue. We do not anticipate any further outages . A formal RFO will be released once the team debriefs. We apologize for all issues that has caused. |
不然還不知放在theplanet主機上的檔案已斷線 也敢緊回站上發了一則公告,告知訪客包涵~ 但..但..就老是有人逮到機會就跳出來 你們同業應良性競爭.把自己最好的表現出來,去爭取客戶 網路生意很長.機會多得是 PS:明天別玩了太過火,小心小心 |