是的! DNforum.com 有討論過, SEDO 要的是自然流量 使用 Domain Name 的 Wildcard 是不行的 但是 http://www.domain.com/xxx http://domain.com/xxx 錯誤頁面是合法的 而 http://xxx.domain.com/ 子網名是不允許,因為SEDO不買賣第三階的網名. Best Regards, PS: 您可請版上大大們幫您修文比較好,先用中文寫好貼上來大家討論,三天內回覆較好 |
已經sent了~ 我回這樣子~不知道好不好?~>"< Dear Nora Cotter: Thanks for your help. However I must declare again. I do not contravene the terms and conditions of the parking programme at any time. First,Acercm.com.tw is Benq's previous domain. You can find information with Google. This is why the traffic. Second,about the IP you talk about. I really do not know about it. I use web hosting to park my domain. Refering wrong page to homepage is only what I do. Ex.http://acercm.com.tw/jhdks.htm->http://acercm.com.tw (jhdks.htm is not a exist file ) If it violates Sedo's rule. I agree your judgement. Third,I really did not get the email. Maybe it was be deleted by my antivirus software or ISP...etc I was very noticed English. However spam and virus letters are too much. I am not sure that I did not delete Sedo's email by mistake. Finally I attach acercm.com.tw usage statistics(August) and log files(September). Log file can be opened by notepad. Because I use web hosting. I just find my August usage statistics and September log files. I have sent email to my web hosting company. I will reply as soon as possible. Best Regards. Rex Huang
台南律師事務所 |
基本上 Sedo 已經認定你作幣了. 你必需提供證明說你沒有.
我覺得你要堅決的 "deny" 你有任何作幣的行為, 他們要求提供 logfiles, 那就提供. 但同時要用最好的語氣向他們請教他們需要什麼其它的證明? 及如何提供證明. 另外, 這種問題不適合上 dnforum 問, 只會讓兩邊下不了台. 屬於隱私的一部份. Sedo 沒有限制一網域不能在不同的地方賣, 請參考: http://www.sedo.com/services/guide.p...21&language=us 引用:
http://xxx.acercm.ccc.tw/ 找不到網頁 http://acercm.ccc.tw/xxx 導到 SEDO 您的設定對 SEDO 是合法的. 回的不錯喔! 只是不要將您Parking 的網址明白的貼到討論區, 加一些保護比較好 如 com == ccc , net == nnn 如要買賣先將 SEDO 的 [sedo.com]-)[My SEDO]-)[My Listings] 下下來. 如此應該是可以的. 更正: 可以在別的地方買賣. Thanks [Ismile大大] |
![]() 引用:
您是好心啦,只是好像跟自己錢過不去喔? |
別人怎麼可以說本人作假,不管如何都要證明自己的無辜. Best Regards, Vincent Liao |