[Tierzüchter.de] 為 德文 IDN - '動物繁殖' 的意思 |
Casino.de 是 繼去年 Poker.de (700,000 Euro) 的 第二高價 ccTLD 域名 - http://idnclub.com/showpost.php?p=22745&postcount=17 |
1. Systematic.com $400,000 Pvt Sale
2. DVDs.com $300,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 3. GarageSales.com $110,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 4. Skinny.com $80,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 5. Exam.com $75,000 Sedo 6. Hoax.com $70,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 7. Tickets.mobi $60,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 8. Autograph.com $55,000 Sedo 9. Baseball.net $52,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 10. GreeceHotels.com €31,000 = $48,397 Sedo 11. Gags.com $45,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 12. IfLooksCouldKill.com $40,000 DomainDealer.com 13. CheddarCheese.com $37,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 14. Opt-In.com €23,990 = $37,453 Sedo 15. KGB.co.uk £18,000 = $35,600 Pvt Sale 16. Appartment.com $31,000 Sedo 17. BCE.com $28,001 Sedo 18. Jogger.com $25,201 NameJet 19. tie MyBuilder.com $25,000 Sedo 19. tie MaidServices.com $25,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 19. tie GreenPackaging.com $25,000 Sedo 22. Scooter.es €16,000 = $24,983 Sedo 23. VLAN.com $20,000 RickLatona.com 24. PLE.com €12,500 = $19,515 Sedo 25. QUD.com $18,500 Sedo 26. Cartegrise.fr €8,000 = $12,492 Sedo 27. tie Start-Up.de €7,700 = $12,023 Sedo 28. tie EuropeanAuto.com $12,000 AfternicDLS 28. tie Banks.mobi $12,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 28. tie AlaskanKingCrab.com $12,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. |
1. SkiResorts.com $850,000 Moniker
2. Madrid.net €28,000 = $43,920 Sedo 3. Banks.ca $41,000 Pool 4. Celibataire.com ("single" in French) €25,000 = $39,339 Sedo 5. Hoteles.info ("hotels" in Spanish) €19,500 = $30,607 Sedo 6. ContemporaryRugs.com $30,000 AfternicDLS 7. Compraventa.org ("purchase" in Spanish) €18,000 = $28,253 Sedo 8. EDV.de €15,500 = $24,317 Sedo 9. HowToInvest.com $23,000 AfternicDLS 10. StCatharines.com $19,000 RickLatona.com 11. Motorize.com $18,000 AfternicDLS 12. JEU.org €10,300 = $16,156 Sedo 13. 657.com $16,101 Sedo 14. WeddingPlace.com $16,000 AfternicDLS 15. Vuelos.info ("flights" in Spanish) €10,200 = $15,999 Sedo 16. MicroJuegos.com ("micro games" in Spanish) €9,600 = $15,065 Sedo 17. Handyvertrag.net ("cell phone contract" in German) €9,600 = $15,065 Sedo 18. UDVD.com $15,000 HuntingMoon.com 19. You.org $14,500 RickLatona.com 20. HitRadio.com €9,000 = $14,123 Sedo |
1. 770.com £175,000 = $343,208 Sedo
2. SmartTrade.com $72,000 AfternicDLS 3. Vet.net $35,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 4. VideoShop.com $30,990 Sedo 5. Jewellers.com $30,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 6. XLive.com $26,222 Sedo 7. Reos.com $25,000 AfternicDLS 8. BusinessConsultants.com $22,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 9. AromatherapyCandles.com $22,000 Moniker/AS 10. Ventureon.com $20,300 Moniker 11. tie AceBucks.com $20,150 Moniker 11. tie Nosebidet.com $20,150 Moniker 13. tie WoodCabinets.com $20,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 13. tie Cabinets.net $20,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 15. Stereotypes.com $19,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 16. CollectorPlates.com $18,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 17. MidwestCity.com $18,000 RickLatona.com 18. tie Preacher.com $17,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 18. tie ChocolateChips.com $17,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 20. GreenCard.org $17,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 21. DoorHardware.com $16,655 NameJet 22. CreditScores.net $16,500 SnapNames 23. Kontor.com $15,501 SnapNames 24. tie WorldPhones.com $15,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 24. tie Lunatic.com $15,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 26. GlobalVentures.com $15,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 27. BusinessBox.com €9,000 = $14,213 Sedo 28. HiDefStore.com $13,111 SnapNames 29. HighDefStore.com $13,055 SnapNames 30. FitTracker.com $12,500 AfternicDLS |
1. FilmSchool.net $49,501 AfternicDLS
2. tie GoldDigger.com $40,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2. tie GoldDiggers.com $35,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 4. Bobblehead.com $36,000 Sedo 5. Trabajo.net ("work" or "job" in Spanish) $34,000 AfternicDLS 6. N5.com $25,500 Sedo 7. SGN.com $25,001 Sedo 8. tie JeansStore.com $25,000 AfternicDLS 8. tie FreeMovieDownload.com $25,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 10. NeoNet.com $21,500 Sedo 11. tie GNP.com $21,000 AfternicDLS 11. tie BreastSurgeon.com $21,000 Sedo 13. Blu-Ray.net €13,000 = $20,640 Sedo 14. tie Lifesaver.com $20,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 14. tie Betuni.com $20,000 Sedo 16. OnlineBooty.com $18,830 Moniker/iDate 17. JupiterIslandRealEstate.com $17,500 Castello Brothers 18. Voeding.nl ("food" in Dutch) €10,000 = $15,878 Sedo 19. GlobalVentures.com $13,950 AfternicDLS 20. XEL.com $13,121 Sedo 21. SierraMadre.com $13,024 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 22. Show.org $13,000 Pvt Sale 23. Viajar.tv €8,100 = $12,856 Sedo 24. WhoIs.lu €8,000 = $12,703 Sedo 25. tie NewYorkCheesecake.com $12,000 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 25. tie Daryl.com $12,000 RickLatona.com 27. 30.net €7,100 = $11,273 Sedo 28. tie 79.net €7,000 = $11,115 Sedo 28. tie Mode24.de €7,000 = $11,115 Sedo 30. SteelFurniture.com $11,099 NameJet |
The DN Journal Top 20
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. April 21, 2008 - Sun. April 27, 2008 Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Wed. April 29 引用:
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1. Win.com €1,000,000 = $1,553,180 Pvt Sale
2. Jobs.ca $600,000 Pvt Sale 3. SimiValley.com $90,000 RickLatona.com 4. YourChat.com $35,200 AfternicDLS 5. Bucket.com $30,000 Sedo 6. UnlistedNumbers.com $24,650 AfternicDLS 7. IndianaNews.com $22,000 AfternicDLS 8. KentuckyNews.com $21,000 AfternicDLS 9. MyCanvas.com $20,000 Sedo 10. OnlineFinancing.com $17,500 Moniker/T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 11. CO.nu $16,111 Sedo 12. Soho.net $16,000 Pvt Sale 13. Roulette.mobi $15,000 Moniker/CAC 14. ReverseLoans.com $15,000 Moniker/AS 15. tie MarylandNews.com $15,000 AfternicDLS 15. tie 1A1.com $15,000 AfternicDLS 15. tie Reisebüros.de (IDN) ("travel offices" in German) €8,100 = $12,575 Sedo 15. tie Info.nu $12,500 Sedo 19. OutNow.de €8,000 = $12,419 Sedo 20. Charley.com $12,000 AfternicDLS |