1. Printer.com $800,000 Pvt Sale
2. Affiliate.com $579,900 Moniker (escrow) 3. iSearch.com $300,000 Pvt Sale 4. OD.com $220,000 Sedo 5. Anal.net $90,000 Moniker/Internext 6. SheMales.net $60,000 Moniker/Internext 7. Sluts.net $58,000 Moniker/Internext 8. 1Body.com $34,650 AfternicDLS 9 Weddings.org $34,500 Pvt Sale 10. tie WorldwideTravel.com $27,000 SnapNames 10. tie APO.com $27,000 Sedo 12. KHL.org $22,500 Pvt Sale 13. Fight.tv $18,000 Sedo 14. LiveShows.com $17,650 SnapNames 15. Open-Office.de €12,000 = $17,520 Sedo 16. BeachPatrol.com $17,500 Pvt Sale 17. HotelValues.com $15,250 Moniker 18. R-T.com €10,000 = $14,600 Pvt Sale 19. Series.eu $13,539 Pvt Sale 20. TJD.com $12,600 AfternicDLS |
在一篇文章上看到一些 .US 的銷售紀錄 -
1. TopModel.com $117,650 SnapNames
2. RoomDividers.com $75,000 Pvt Sale 3. tie GoNYC.com $40,000 AfternicDLS 3. tie Mozzilla.com $40,000 DNForum 5. SMSGlobal.com $30,000 Sedo 6. 7H.com $20,500 Sedo 7. Y3.com $19,279 SnapNames 8. Investimento.it ("investments" in Italian) €12,900 = $18,705 Sedo 9 FreeLove.com $17,650 SnapNames 10. 18.no $17,150 Sedo 10. tie BusinessFriendly.com $15,000 Sedo 12. EOB.com $14,000 Sedo 13. Cardiology.net $12,700 AfternicDLS 14. O8.com $11,150 SnapNames 15. wwwMatch.com $11,100 NameJet 16. tie ThinkFirst.com $10,000 AfternicDLS 16. tie Bizkit.com $10,000 AfternicDLS 16. tie BandTees.com $10,000 Sedo 16. tie DIYDaily.com $10,000 Pvt Sale 20. Gehna.com $9,790 AfternicDLS |
Google的AdSense Referrals已经停了吗?如果已经停掉了ff的referrals,那么买家比较惨。。。。
DomainName.com |
1. RVRental.com $325,000 Pvt Sale
2. BJ.com $200,000 Moniker/Internext 3. YB.com $125,000 Sedo/GreatDomains 4. SouthLakeTahoe.com $80,000 RickLatona.com 5. SaintLucia.com $50,000 RickLatona.com 6. Domain.pl $45,000 Moniker/ DomainerMeeting 7. EroticShop.com €30,000 = $42,300 Sedo 8. Widows.com $38,000 RickLatona.com 9. JazzMusic.com $35,500 Sedo/GreatDomains 10. Electromenager.fr ("electric household appliances" in French) €18,000 = $25,380 Sedo 11. SouthWhidbey.com $25,000 RickLatona.com 12. Ares.net $21,500 Pvt Sale 13. 银行.com (IDN) $21,022 SnapNames 14. Stressballs.com $20,000 Moniker 15. GoodPractice.com £10,000 = $17,600 Sedo 16. tie IQ.net $17,000 Moniker/Internext 16. tie AustinDWILawyer.com $17,000 NameJet 18. ConcertTicket.com $16,000 RickLatona.com 19. LasVegas.me $15,105 .ME Auction 20. tie Gastroenterologist.com $13,000 RickLatona.com 20. tie IMK.com $13,000 RickLatona.com 20. tie LogoDesigns.com $13,000 RickLatona.com |
The DN Journal Top 20
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 8, 2008 - Sun. Sept. 14, 2008 Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Sept. 16 引用:
السفر.com - (the)travel.com السياحة.com (the)tourism.com |
1. Invest.com $1,015,000 Sedo/GreatDomains
2. CoiffureFemme.net ("women's hairstyle" in French) €55,000 = $77,550 Sedo 3. EstrellaDigital.com $70,326 Moniker 4. ACU.com $52,500 SnapNames 5. MoviePilot.com $35,450 Moniker 6. WebHostingForum.com €15,000 = $21,250 Pvt Sale 7. Conglomerate.com $20,000 Moniker/ T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East 8. tie Vetement.com ("clothing" in French) €14,000 = $19,740 Sedo 8. tie Allgemeine.de ("general" in German) €14,000 = $19,740 Sedo 10. Rachat-de-Credit.fr ("repurchase of credit" in French) €13,500 = $19,035 Sedo 11. Engraved.com $19,000 Moniker/ T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East 12. tie SpringWireless.com $18,200 AfternicDLS 12. tie Baco.com $18,200 NameJet 14. Sexe.ch €12,500 = $17,625 Sedo 15. WalkMS.org $16,900 Sedo 16. Endorsement.com $16,500 Moniker/ T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East 17. Amenities.com $16,000 AfternicDLS 18. Perpetual.com $15,100 NameJet 19. tie RevenueShare.com $15,000 Sedo 19. tie MyCellphone.mobi $15,000 DonsDomainNames 19. tie DigitalEcho.com $15,000 FinestNames 22. HealthAccounts.com $14,500 AfternicDLS 23. PrincetonHealth.com $13,250 Moniker 24. Faveo.com $13,200 AfternicDLS 25. StudyingAbroad.com $13,000 NameJet 26. tie UnderConstruction.com $12,500 Moniker/ T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East 26. tie A8C.com $12,500 AfternicDLS 28. Vertriebler.de ("distributor" in German) €8,000 = $11,280 Sedo/ DomainVermarkterForum 29. WyomingInn.com $11,000 Sedo 30. Oncology.eu €7,500 = $10,575 Sedo 31. ZUD.com €7,100 = $10,011 Sedo 32. BWE.com $10,001 NameJet 33. tie VikingCruises.com $10,000 NameJet 33. tie TwinJet.com $10,000 AfternicDLS 33. tie LeadershipTraining.com $10,000 AfternicDLS 33. tie GoForGoal.com $10,000 Sedo 33. tie GoFlights.com $10,000 Pvt Sale 33. tie Belgium.info $10,000 Sedo 39. Habillement.com ("clothes" in French) €7,000 = $9,870 Sedo 40. tie Underwear.net $9,700 Sedo 40. tie PolishDate.com $9,700 Mohiker 40. tie PigList.com $9,700 AfternicDLS PHP-MySQL-Tutorial.com $9,100 |
[26. A8C.com $12,500 AfternicDLS]
[A8C.com] 這一項很有趣; 好像是 ABC 的 fishing ![]() 不過, 用 大寫 A8C - 跟 ABC 是有點像; 但是 正常的 域名/網址 使用的是小寫 - a8c 跟本尊 abc 就不怎麼像了 ![]() |
1. BlueCollar.com $28,750 SnapNames 2. CarExpo.com $27,750 AfternicDLS 3. Ebio.com $24,750 AfternicDLS 4. TLG.com $16,400 NameJet 5. Quix.com €12,000 = $16,352 Sedo 6. Ankle.com $15,300 SnapNames 7. CamShow.com $15,125 Moniker 8. Sportwette.com ("sports betting" in German) €10,600 = $14,443 Sedo 9. MovingQuotes.com $13,800 SnapNames 10. GreatRealEstate.com $12,700 AfternicDLS 11. BuildingCustomHomes.com $10,700 AfternicDLS 12. Brent.us $10,000 Sedo 13. TileFloor.com $9,250 SnapNames 14. GlutenFree.org $8,950 NameJet 15. TVFrance.com $8,880 AfternicDLS 16. Currency.org $8,630 SnapNames 17. Bile.com $8,300 SnapNames 18. Heidou.com $8,100 Sedo 19. Fenster.info €5,950 = $8,092 Sedo 20. tie OnlineArt.com $8,000 SnapNames 20. tie MobileSign.com $8,000 Sedo |