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幫忙賺些奶粉錢, TKS! --- www.stock.com.tw |
說我之前支付的網址費用有問題 要我立即登入帳號處理.... 對網路安全沒有驚覺得人一定被騙 |
Our client (medium-sized corporation) is interested in buying the domain. Please email us your price. They can offer you a good price. Moreover, they can also pay all escrow fees if necessary. Can we get your answer this week if possible? Regards, Gregory Bronstein, Vice President Web Name Business Corp. 信中所說的域名是我今年一月四日才註冊的域名,這麼快就有人要?然後再查下寄件者的電郵,@webnamecorp.com 更是離譜,因為這域名是今天一月七日才註冊的。 所以判定這又是一個詐騙型的電郵。給各位參考一下。 |
I am interested in purchasing this domain name (not the website content, only the domain).
If you are open to selling please let me know ASAP and I will submit my best offer. Thanks for your time, Steve Johnson (stevesplace47@gmail.com) |
Congratulations on your purchase of buy-yahoo.biz. Your domain's value has been estimated on our domain appraisal service. You can read your custom report here: http://domainestimator.com/results/?domain=buy-yahoo.biz. (Domain Estimator Report) There is a large portfolio of domains related to your keywords. The current list of premium domains can be viewed here: http://domainclosing.com/?phrase=buy-yahoo.biz (Related Premium Domains) Cordially, Stefanie Shay - Support Department @ DomainEstimator.com We received your contact details from the Public Domain Deed Records. If you would prefer not to receive email notifications of your estimated values in the future, please reply to this email with "REMOVE" in the subject line. |