1. Zero.com $329,420 Moniker/SnapNames
2. Wicker.com $230,000 Pvt Sale 3. DiscountVouchers.com £100,000 = $157,000 AcornDomains.co.uk 4. Cursos.com $150,000 Sedo 5. ShortSale.com $101,000 Moniker/SnapNames 6. ETFS.com $90,000 Moniker/SnapNames/ DOMAINfest Europe 7. OSport.com €30,000 = $42,000 Sedo 8. EventPlanning.com $40,000 Flippa 9. OnlineKredit.org €26,000 = $36,400 Sedo 10. Jumelles.com $28,000 Sedo 11. GoodMorning.com $25,000 Moniker/SnapNames 12. Schlemmerinfo.de €16,250 = $22,750 Sedo 13. Rep.ly £15,000 = $22,050 Sedo 14. FreeCreditScore.co $21,500 .CO Landrush Auctions 15. tie FishOil.com $18,500 Pvt Sale 15. tie GreatDanes.com $18,500 YummyNames 17. Location-de-Voiture.com €13,000 = $18,200 Sedo 18. tie Shirts.co $17,000 .CO Landrush Auctions 18. tie Watchfinder.com $17,000 Sedo 20. LargeMouth.com $15,000 AfternicDLS 21. PainPatch.com $14,850 AfternicDLS 22. DE.tv €10,100 = $14,140 Sedo 23. 819.com $14,026 Sedo 24. Kiss.eu €10,000 = $14,000 Sedo 25. tie Rufnummer.de €9,900 = $13,860 Sedo 25. tie StampDutyCalculator.com.au $13,860 Netfleet.com.au 25. tie Zelte.com €9,900 = $13,860 Sedo 28, FirstTimeBuyer.co.uk £8,500 = $13,345 Sedo 29. Skins.tv $13,185 Sedo 30. Shipping.eu €8,988 = $12,583 Sedo 31. WirelessLogic.com $12,500 Sedo 32. CompareTravelInsurance.co.uk £7,880 = $12,372 Sedo 33. tie NMTI.com $12,000 AfternicDLS 33. tie TermLifeIns.co $12,000 AfternicDLS 35. tie LiveUp.com $11,500 Sedo 35. tie Spago.com $11,500 AfternicDLS 37. XND.com $10,500 Sedo 38. Contacts.net $10,260 Moniker/SnapNames 39. tie Prova.com $10,000 Sedo 39. tie RadioPlus.com $10,000 AfternicDLS 39. tie SearchAdvertising.com $10,000 Moniker/SnapNames 39. tie TemporaryFencing.com $10,000 AfternicDLS 39. tie TuscanyAccommodations.com $10,000 Sedo |
The DN Journal Top 20
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Oct. 18, 2010 - Sun. Oct. 24, 2010 Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Oct. 27, 2010 引用:
日本.com $100,000 Pvt Sale Gebäudereinigung.net (德文: 大廈清潔) €3,000 = $4,140 Sedo |
1. Logo.com $500,000 Sedo
2. V9.com $70,000 AfternicDLS 3. PlaygroundEquipment.net $59,400 AfternicDLS 4. FreeOffice.com $55,000 Sedo 5. NameCheck.com $50,000 Sedo 6. tie EmailServices.com $35,000 Moniker/SnapNames/ DOMAINfest Europe 6. tie OfficeRentals.com $35,000 Moniker/SnapNames/ DOMAINfest Europe 8. Territory.com $32,450 Moniker/SnapNames 9. HuntingBoots.com $30,000 WebSalesGroup 10. Securite.com €20,500 = $28,700 Sedo 11. ResumeService.com $28,000 Sedo 12. RockMerch.com $20,000 Sedo 13. AlphaFlash.com $19,999 Sedo 14. Armbänder.de (IDN) €13,500 = $18,900 Sedo 15. tie Movies.co.nz $15,000 Pvt Sale 15. tie Wheelhouse.com $15,000 YummyNames 17. SaveCo.com $12,888 AfternicDLS/Sedo 18. tie HireExpert.com $12,000 Sedo 18. tie Pregnancies.com $12,000 Moniker/SnapNames/ DOMAINfest Europe 20. Anobe.com $11,200 Sedo |
1. Celebs.com $270,000 HuntingMoon
2. Copies.com $150,000 MediaOptions 3. MyCard.com $88,000 Moniker/SnapNames 4. Mod.com $75,000 RickLatona.com 5. Autoersatzteile.de ("auto parts" in German) €35,000 = $48,300 Sedo 6. KnifeSharpeners.com $45,000 WebsiteProperties 7. Define.net $33,000 Sedo 8. Pug.com $31,600 Sedo 9. Soap.de €22,000 = $30,360 Sedo 10. Partnersuche.org €20,300 = $28,014 Sedo 11. tie GrabOne.com $25,000 Sedo 11. tie Pillowcases.com $25,000 Moniker/SnapNames 13. TeenCarInsurance.com $23,000 NoktaDomains 14. MattressTopper.com $21,500 NoktaDomains 15. Wines.com.au $19,252 Drop.com.au 16. S8.com $19,000 Sedo 17. DormBedding.com $18,500 NoktaDomains 18. ServiceDepartments.com $18,000 NameJet 19. Thesaurus.net $16,000 Sedo 20. Heimarbeit-Online.de €11,000 = $15,180 Sedo |
The DN Journal Top 20
Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Nov. 8, 2010 - Sun. Nov. 14, 2010 Euro to Dollar Conversion (€ to $) is Based on Rates in Effect Nov. 17, 2010 引用:
Hämorrhoiden.de - US$26,287 (痔核 ?!) 中国.org - US$5,250 円.com - US$4,026 |
1. HomeOwnersInsurance.com $570,000 Pvt Sale
2. Hobbies.com $297,500 AfternicDLS 3. Wuye.com $43,500 Sedo 4. BornRich.com $38,000 Sedo 5. Like.me $26,500 Sedo 6. Baloncesto.com €19,000 = $24,700 Sedo 7. Yoyo.it €18,000 = $23,400 Sedo 8. JMall.com $20,000 Sedo 9. Viajantes.com $17,000 Sedo 10. Contacts.me $15,600 Sedo 11. Game.me $13,100 Sedo 12. tie BeautyBar.de €10,000 = $13,000 Sedo 12. tie SmartTechnologies.com $13,000 YummyNames/ BuyDomains 14. Poker.me $12,099 Sedo 15. F2D.com €9,000 = $11,700 Sedo 16. ChinaFashion.com $10,099 Sedo 17. tie FriedrichChristianflick- Collection.com $10,000 Sedo 17. tie GreatContent.it $10,000 Sedo 17. tie HMB.com $10,000 GoDaddy Auctions 17. tie Note.me $10,000 Sedo |
1. Color.com $350,000 GoDaddy Auctions
2. VideoProduction.com $55,000 MediaOptions 3. Clothing.net $40,000 Sedo 4. Holland.net $32,000 UpMarketURLs 5. QIP.com $25,000 GoDaddy Auctions 6. Recicia.com $22,400 GoDaddy Auctions 7. Marathon.net €15,000 = $19,950 Sedo 8. 728.com $18,121 GoDaddy Auctions 9. MakeUpYourMind.com $17,500 MostWantedDomains 10. Ocean.co.uk £10,250 = $16,195 Sedo 11. tie BargainHunt.com $15,000 Moniker/SnapNames 11. tie Hixih.com $15,000 Sedo 11. tie MaleEnhancement.net $15,000 Sedo 11. tie WebCube.com $15,000 Sedo 15. TheAgency.com $14,500 Sedo 16. Files.co.uk £8,500 = $13,430 Sedo 17. Studium.net €10,009 = $13,312 Sedo 18. Shop1.com $13,200 AfternicDLS 19. Nextware.com $12,800 AfternicDLS 20. Business4Business.com $12,641 Moniker/SnapNames |
MyCard.com $88,000 Moniker/SnapNames
印象中好像看過有位站友持有 MyCreditCard.com 應該也是很值錢. |