1. Channel.com $125,000 Sedo
2. CheapVacations.ca $47,000 DomainNameSales 3. PlatformGames.com $36,000 DomainNameSales 4. Sportbekleidung.de ("sportswear" in German) €25,000 = $33,000 Sedo 5. Instant.ly $32,000 Brands-and-Jingles 6. OnTime.com $25,000 AfternicDLS 7. Others.com $23,000 Pvt Sale 8. OnlinePoker.co $22,000 Sedo 9. Hopster.com $20,000 Sedo 10. MIA.com.au $17,400 FabulousDomains.com.au 11. CostumesForHalloween.com $16,500 AfternicDLS 12. VPNServices.com €12,000 = $15,840 Sedo 13. tie APS.net $15,000 AfternicDLS 13. tie VacationPackages.ca $15,000 DomainNameSales 15. InTheCloud.com €10,000 = $13,200 Sedo 16. PastaLovers.com $12,500 Sedo 17. WebContracting.com $12,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 18. tie Havan.com $11,500 AfternicDLS 18. tie PrescriptionDrugAbuse.com $11,500 DomainNameSales 20. PhotoWall.de €8,500 = $11,220 Sedo |
tie eDiscovery.com $100,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 1. tie End.com $100,000 Sedo 3. Online-Games.com $48,000 Sedo 4. MyInvest.com $35,000 Sedo 5. In-Motion.com $30,000 Sedo 6. Made.de €20,000 = $26,600 Sedo 7. tie Company.net $25,000 Key-Domains 7. tie GiftCardExchange.com $25,000 Sedo 9. LifelongHealth.com $20,000 DomainNameSales 10. BabyGiftBaskets.com $16,000 DomainNameSales 11. RespiratoryTherapy.com $15,000 DomainNameSales 12. tie Berufsunfaehigkeit.info ("occupational disability" in German) €10,000 = $13,300 Sedo 12. tie EuropaCity.com €10,000 = $13,300 Sedo 12. tie Minto.nl €10,000 = $13,300 Sedo 15. Sienna.co.uk £8,000 = $12,800 Pvt Sale 16. InsuranceCheap.com $12,500 Sedo 17. Porta.com €8,385 = $11,152 Sedo 18. ChessStore.com $11,000 AfternicDLS 19. tie Caballus.com $10,000 Sedo 19. tie Outfitter.net $10,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales |
1. PhoneMarket.com $180,000 Sedo
2. AFW.com $125,000 GoDaddyAuctions 3. FootFetish.xxx $89,000 ICM Registry 4. tie App.me $50,000 GoDaddyAuctions 4. tie Jeu.tv ("game" in French) $50,000 MostWantedDomains 6. Cicero.com $40,000 GoDaddyAuctions 7. HomeLoanCalculator.com.au 36,251 AUD = $37,339 NetFleet.com.au 8. HB.de €26,000 = $34,320 Sedo 9. CloudServers.com $32,010 GoDaddyAuctions 10. Weights.com $32,000 Sedo 11. Software.com.co €20,000 = $26,400 Sedo 12. tie LoveBug.com $25,000 GoDaddyAuctions 12. tie ParkMe.com $25,000 GoDaddyAuctions 14. CloudApp.com $24,000 GoDaddy Auctions 15. ToteBag.com $23,000 DomainNameSales 16. HomeStays.com $22,000 Sedo 17. HealthKick.com $21,000 AfternicDLS/ GoDaddyAuctions 18. 549.com $20,800 AfternicDLS 19. Adjara.com $19,000 AfternicDLS 20. Adven.com $18,541 GoDaddyAuctions |
1. Acronyms.com $60,000 DomainNameSales
2. LiveDoc.com $55,000 Sedo 3. Dangote.com $40,000 DomainNameSales 4. CarGames.net €22,000 = $28,820 Sedo 5. UnitedCare.com $25,650 AfternicDLS 6. AssuranceVie.net ("life insurance" in French) $25,000 Sedo 7. ManagementSolutions.com $23,000 AfternicDLS 8. RedRock.com $22,000 Sedo 9. StreamGirl.com $19,200 AfternicDLS 10. Footmarks.com $18,500 DomainNameSales 11. MaxCasino.com $16,250 AfternicDLS 12. ModernLady.com $15,838 Sedo 13. Discoveries.com €12,000 = $15,720 Sedo 14. SourcePlus.com $14,500 AfternicDLS 15. Klik.pl €10,500 = $13,755 Sedo 16. Payroll.net $13,600 Sedo 17. Chocolat.fr €10,000 = $13,100 Sedo 18. USFX.com $13,000 Sedo 19. TopFinancialAdvisor.com $12,500 WinnerNames 20. FlowForce.com $10,500 AfternicDLS |
1. Jackpot.com $500,000 Moniker-->賤賣了
2. Movies.xxx $90,000 ICM Registry 3. WirelessPhones.com $70,000 DomainHoldings/ AfternicDLS 4. Mergers.com $50,000 DomainHoldings 5. Cyclist.com $35,000 AfternicDLS 6. Hike.in £20,000 = $32,000 Sedo 7. Code.co.uk £18,000 = $28,800 Sedo 8. Newburyport.com $25,000 Pvt Sale 9. Downpour.com $23,000 AfternicDLS 10. StreamGroup.com $20,000 DomainHoldings/ Moniker 11. Salade.com €15,000 = $19,650 Sedo 12. Fantasyrama.de €14,280 = $18,707 Sedo 13. Actual.com $18,000 DomainHoldings 14. MobileCams.com $17,500 DomainNameSales 15. Nurseries.com $16,500 DomainHoldings 16. IdealHome.com $15,777 AfternicDLS 17. tie AutoVita.com $15,000 Sedo 17. tie Polling.com $15,000 Sedo 19. tie DiscountSunglasses.com $14,500 AfternicDLS 19. tie HelloFlowers.com $14,500 AfternicDLS |
1. Toys.xxx $125,000 ICM Registry
2. Indi.com $115,000 DomainNameSales 3. Sommerhus.dk ("summer cottage" in Danish) €87,500 = $114,625 Sedo 4. Bohe.com $85,000 4.CN/ DomainNameSales 5. Hot.net €56,700 = $74,277 Sedo 6. Geschenkideen.de ("gift ideas" in German) €50,000 = $65,500 Sedo 7. PrinterCartridges.com $60,000 NoktaDomains 8. GameGlobe.com $50,000 Sedo 9. Seri.com $45,000 NoktaDomains 10. Zuke.com $40,188 NameJet 11. Rover.com $40,000 GoDaddyAuctions 12. tie GreenJuice.com $35,000 GoDaddyAuctions 12. tie MyLinks.com $35,000 GoDaddyAuctions 14. DiscountEyeglasses.com $34,200 NoktaDomains 15. Hadise.com $30,000 NoktaDomains 16. RaceNet.com $29,412 Sedo 17. BuildAmerica.com $27,500 DomainNameSales 18. tie Doctor.tv $25,000 Jeff Overman 18. tie ZAQ.com $25,000 GoDaddyAuctions 20. AssetProtectionSystem.com $24,998 Sedo 21. TD.org $24,900 GoDaddyAuctions 22. Plan-Net.com €18,000 = $23,580 Sedo 23. LetterArt.com $23,500 NoktaDomains 24. tie BathroomRemodel.com $22,500 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 24. tie TreeRemoval.com $22,500 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 26. tie Atha.com $20,000 GoDaddy Auctions 26. tie Beenz.com $20,000 AfternicDLS 26. tie Chewey.com $20,000 DomainNameSales 26. tie DirectCremation.com $20,000 Sedo 26. tie PinMyRide.com $20,000 AfternicDLS 26. tie TorontoLimos.com $20,000 DomainNameSales 32. Circus.es €15,000 = $19,650 Sedo 33. IQN.com $18,000 MediaOptions 34. Zatan.com $17,410 4.CN/ DomainNameSales 35. Gamezen.com $17,250 GoDaddyAuctions 36. Weve.com £10,000 = $16,200 Sedo 37. Weddin.gs £9,995 = $16,192 Sedo 38. DigitalPrinting.co.uk £9,950 = $16,119 Sedo 39. tie CoverSure.com $16,000 GoDaddyAuctions 39. tie MITX.com $16,000 AfternicDLS 還有其他29個成交金額上萬美金的域名如下: There were 29 more five-figure sales just off the chart with the AfternicDLS ringing up the highest of those - CYTS.com at $15,200. They sold four others; CollegePlan.com, eCommerceFulfillment.com, LeBoutique.com and MultiTravel.com for $11,000 each. Sedo rang up ten more at this level led by EthylOTest.me at $15,065, GiftCardExchange.net at $15,000 and two others; PIXU.com and Viagame.com at $14,000 apiece. Fromatob.co.uk added $13,100, MHI.org drew $12,500 and LURV.com captured $12,150. UKCap.com kicked in $10,480 and two others; GoFurther.com and OnlineDataBackup.com banked $10,000 each. At GoDaddyAuctions PayMD.com posted $15,000, Sandbags.com secured $14,545 and BinaryTranslator.com located $14,000. DomainNameSales landed $15,000 for Latitude360.com, $13,000 for GlassTableTops.com and $10,000 apiece for Mondigo.com and TreeSwing.com. They also teamed up with DomainAdvisors.com to sell ModernBarStools.com for $10,000. Elsewhere NameFinders.com fetched $15,000 for TouristVisa.com, NoktaDomains notched $15,000 for HalloweenEvents.com and YummyNames worked with the AfternicDLS to sell Untouched.com for $11,750. In a trio of $10,000 sales Jeff Overman helped MostWantedDomains.com sell a pair of nice .tv domains - EyeCare.tv and Medico.tv - and Golfing.co.za changed hands in a private transaction. |
1. 60.com $310,000 KuwaitNet.net
2. LEO.com $120,000 Toby Clements Newsletter 3. Bosnia.com $100,000 DomainAdvisors 4. OnlineFreeGames.com $90,000 DomainNameSales/ Sedo 5. GameTruck.com $58,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 6. Season.com $47,000 DomainHoldings 7. Wrapp.de €35,030 = $45,215 MissDomain 8. LivingTree.com $41,500 MostWantedDomains 9. Drill.com $40,500 Sedo 10. OxygenSensor.com $35,000 DomainNameSales 11. tie Duma.com $30,000 DomainAdvisors.com 11. tie REITS.com $30,000 AfternicDLS 13. SmartCamera.com $29,200 AfternicDLS 14. GaySingles.com $23,000 DomainAdvisors 15. TwinEngine.com $18,000 DomainNameSales 16. WandTattoo.com €12,231 = $15,894 Sedo 17. Lampa.pl €12,000 = $15,480 Sedo 18. tie AuPairJobs.com $15,000 AfternicDLS 18. tie HireANanny.com $15,000 AfternicDLS 18. tie SecondPress.com $15,000 Sedo |
1. Ahha.com $112,000 Sedo
2. Resultados.com $80,000 SpanishLanguageDomains/ DomainNameSales 3. W.to $53,000 Sedo 4. FitnessGuru.com $45,000 AfternicDLS 5. Zimbabwe.com $42,500 Sedo 6. WinterBoots.com $36,000 DomainNameSales 7. BlackHearts.com $33,000 DomainAdvisors/ DomainNameSales 8. Apps.net €24,100 = $30,607 Sedo 9. tie Malnutrition.com $28,000 DomainNameSales 9. tie Mara.com $28,000 AfternicDLS 11. CarTitles.com $27,000 DomainNameSales 12. 4Finance.com $26,000 Pvt Sale 13. tie Bangkok.net $25,000 Sedo 13. tie CoastalMedical.com $25,000 DomainNameSales 15. RedSteel.com $24,999 AfternicDLS 16. Yali.com $23,000 Sedo 17. MaxLifeInsurance.com $21,000 AfternicDLS 18. Farmacia.tv $20,000 MostWantedDomains/ Jeff Overman 19. 061.com $18,000 UpMarketDNs 20. Zuvo.com $17,500 Sedo |
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What a wonderful W.TO showing there ![]() |