小弟想了解是否能把 parking 在 sedo or goldkey 的 domain 放在各論壇的 簽名上?好讓看到的人去點擊,請問這樣做會被認為作弊嗎 @@? |
一般來說都不允許這樣做,以 sedo 的條款為例,直接有一條是說這點的:
Domain owner may not generate traffic to their domain name(s) or clicks on advertising links by any of the following methods: listings on newsgroups or discussion boards (with the exception of "domain for sale" postings), bulk emailing, ICQ postings, or chat room/IRC postings, iframes, zero pixel frames, hitbots, clickbots, spiders, CGI scripts, java-scripts, or any other similar method. |
啊,原來有寫了 @@ (小弟只有用過 goldkey)
多謝長輩指點 ^^ |