Top combinations real 2-letter short domains for sale now:
REAL 1-LETTERS (no IDN fake, Lattin-1 charset 1 character "H"): h.gl - GL can relate to "global", "good luck", ... price: 12500 USD or 1.8 BTC RARE TYPE 2-LETTERS: cn.nf - China related (CN) us.cr - US related, Url Shortener, Creative us.sb - USA, Url Shortener .CI (Cinema, City, Civil - LOW RENEWAL prices around 15 USD - a perfect long time investment also for resellers): Price/domain: 100 USD or 0.015 BTC 4k.ci - 4k resolution HD cinema 8k.ci - 8k resolution cinema technology - the future HD au.ci - Australia hd.ci - HD cinema hq.ci - High Quality pr.ci - PR related sa.ci - Spółka Akcyjna, etc. sv.ci - Silicon Valleys fi.ci - Finnland, Fiction Cinema, allows cool hack Sci.Fi.Ci (SF-cinema) Bulk price possible! BTC payment accepted too! Contact: info@1-single-letter-domains.com All prices as of 03.11.2017. Prices can change any time.
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |
just to mention H.GL is a domain in the worlds shortest format! This domains are extremly rare and a high value asset.
Here some sales numbers according to dnjournal.com: c.gl Greenland 85.000,00 USD 7.gg Guernsey 44.145,00 USD 8.co Colombia 115.000,00 USD i.la Laos 19.900,00 USD u.is Iceland 14.700,00 USD The domain might be put on auction soon so this is the chance to invest in it before it is to late.
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |
h.gl sold!
But still for sale: 8.ki Sale and details: http://1-single-letter-domains.com/?...sale-dc#1chars
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |