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舊 2009-06-14, 02:23 AM
kam 的頭像
kam kam 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-06-16
住址: HK
文章: 1,496
預設 提防Admin@Microsoft.it 偷取你的E-mail , 一定要看喔.. 手法很高明的

很酷吧... Admin@microsoft.it 竟主動加你進MSN...但先不要開心... 這是一個scam

我 = Gary
對方= RSX5620689

RSX5620689 說:
Gary 說:
Who are you, where you get my MSN ?
RSX5620689 說:
I'm Richard, Windows Live Hotmail Support Center
Gary 說:
I had not call any support ...
RSX5620689 說:
Okay sir i'll tell you our situation
RSX5620689 說:
As we have moved from MSN Hotmail into Windows Live Hotmail
RSX5620689 說:
We have to verify some of the account's wich appear on our database
RSX5620689 說:
Well, Do you want to verify your account ?
Gary 說:
Why I need to verified it ? I am able to use it without problem.
RSX5620689 說:
Yes, but if you did not verify it you will face problems
RSX5620689 說:
Notice: if you didn't verify your account, It will be deleted and all your privacy will be terminated.
Gary 說:
I always received lot of fake email, please proof that you're not a scammer.
RSX5620689 說:
sir can you upon examination www.microsoft.it
RSX5620689 說:
We are Microsoft.it verified support
RSX5620689 說:
Your Privacy is Our Goal.
Gary 說:
OK, let me know what type of information you want at first ...
RSX5620689 說:
Okay give a moment sir.
RSX5620689 說:
You have recived a message.
RSX5620689 說:
This message including 2 Links
RSX5620689 說:
if you want to verify your account. Copy the last link here
RSX5620689 說:
do you still in touch, sir?
Gary 說:
It's not english
RSX5620689 說:
i'll do verify the account by the last link , by checking validty
RSX5620689 說:
its in our support language, sir
RSX5620689 說:
if you want to verify your account. Copy the last link here
Gary 說:
Gary 說:
I had not saw any announcement about there is a Hotmail Account Verified.
RSX5620689 說:
its once we have moved from MSN Hotmail into Windows Live Hotmail
Gary 說:
I don't click on any link, it's riskly...
RSX5620689 說:
you dont have to click on the link sir
RSX5620689 說:
you have to copy this link here, as we can verify it and your account will be Verified.
RSX5620689 說:
remember you dont have to click on it.
Gary 說:
I cannot read your language... I am worry about it's password recover email...
Gary 說:
and someone will steal my password....
Gary 說:
Any other ways to verified ?
RSX5620689 說:
No sir
RSX5620689 說:
Notice: if you didn't verify your account, It will be deleted and all your privacy will be terminated.
RSX5620689 說:
the first link save it, its for your password privacy
RSX5620689 說:
i'll do verify the account by the last link , by checking validty
RSX5620689 說:
you dont need to be worry about this.
Gary 說:
You should told Microsoft HK to call me ...
Gary 說:
Because they speak my language
RSX5620689 說:
sir, the first link save it for your privacy
RSX5620689 說:
the last link doesnt have any access to your privacy
RSX5620689 說:
i'll use it just for verification
RSX5620689 說:
or forward the message to " verify@hotmail.it " including your Case ID.
RSX5620689 說:
Your Case ID is " 056412 "
RSX5620689 說:
Your account still unverified.
Gary 說:
verify@hotmail.it may be fake and it's not owned by microsoft, how do you proof it ?
RSX5620689 說:
sir i give you this, its support verification
Gary 說:
I cannot trust you...
RSX5620689 說:
Notice: if you didn't verify your account, It will be deleted and all your privacy will be terminated.
Gary 說:
If you put an announcement on "Microsoft.it", I may trust you...
Gary 說:
I am sure I am not the only one affected.
Gary 說:
If there is such verified activities, there must be an announcement at the home page.
Gary 說:
I am right...
Gary 說:
You're scammer.
Gary 說:
This is in fact a password recover e-mail as I guess, I just checked it by Google Translate.




Gary Kam

此篇文章於 2009-06-14 02:31 AM 被 kam 編輯。
舊 2009-06-14, 04:32 AM
owntag 的頭像
owntag owntag 目前離線
註冊日期: 2006-07-22
住址: 北京
文章: 1,840


舊 2009-06-14, 09:06 AM
哈啦 的頭像
哈啦 哈啦 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-05-28
文章: 23,048


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