Thermenland.com 再次收到求購信!!
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
we are interested in the domain "thermenland.com". Could you please let us know to which conditions you would sell this domain? Thank you very much for your answer in advance! --------------------------------------------------------------------- i.A. Anita Lummerstorfer Assistenz der Gesch輎tsfhrung O? Tourismus Technologie GMBH Hauptstra絽 83 - 85, A-4040 Linz Tel.: +43(0)732 / 718071-32, Mobil: +43(0)664/824 10 41 Fax: +43(0)732 / 600222-332 mailto:anita.lummerstorfer@ttg.at www.ttg.at 真有趣,這一個月來有三個同樣的域名分別收到了兩封以上的求購信, 分別是pawin.com whois.to 和 Thermenland.com 不過經過幾番波折最後成交的只有昨天賣出的whois.to 很好奇,Thermenland.com一直是我流量最高的網址 我只能從它的字面上推測這是個地名, 既然同時有兩家奧國的公司表明購買興趣, 我相信就有他一定的價值與份量. 這次的公司網址為ttg.at (Tourismus Technologie GmbH) 應該是家和旅遊有關的公司吧??
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域名賣了!! 用二三十美金抓的域名賺了數十倍 Dear ladies and gentlemen! Thanks a lot for your e-mail concerning the domain thermenland.com. The price of $ 600 which you mentioned is okay for us. If the domain is still available we would like to buy it. Please let us know, how you would like to handle the organisational transfer of this domain. Thank you for your efforts in advance. Best regards! i.A. Anita Lummerstorfer Assistenz der Geschaeftsfuehrung OOE. Tourismus Technologie GMBH Hauptstrasse 83 - 85, A-4040 Linz Tel.: +43(0)732 / 718071-32, Mobil: +43(0)664/824 10 41 Fax: +43(0)732 / 600222-332 mailto:anita.lummerstorfer@ttg.at www.ttg.at 我註域名的方向果然是正確的, 一大堆後輟被註的.COM,就算不知他是什麼意思, 還是有很大的發展空間
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【虛擬主機 | 網域名稱 | 免費資源】 |
http://www.thermenland.com 已被買方使用
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