寄件者: billing@ipowerweb.com
Dear Customer, Thank you for your recent web hosting order. Unfortunately we are unable to process your order at this time due to verification. To proceed with the activation of your account, please fax a legible copy of both sides of the credit card listed on the order, as well as a copy of the cardholder's identification. Please clearly state your domain(s) name in the fax. Please fax the information to (602) 307-5438. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, these steps are to ensure your protection as a consumer. If you do not wish to fax your information you also have the option to send a check or money order. You may send your check or money order payment to the following address: Billing Department iPowerWeb Inc. 919 East Jefferson St, Suite A Phoenix AZ 85034 Please make sure to reference your domain name on your payment. Your hosting account will be set up as soon as payment is received. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Billing Department iPowerWeb (888) 511-4678 opt.4 內容應該是說我的域名註冊不成功要我用傳真或者寄信的方面去確認信用卡,但我在ipower同時間註冊了三個域名,只有一個.com和一個.net沒過,而.us的卻過了..怎麼可能如此呢?? 所以麻煩版友大大們幫我看一下信件內容,先謝謝了
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要求傳真 [copy of both sides of the credit card] 簡直是可笑至極 - 別理牠 !
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在美國第一次到購物網站是真的會要求你要fax or email 他們 copy of both
sides of the credit card,第2次就不會了 . 我在美國2個網站各訂了一台DV 跟一顆鏡頭. 兩間都有規定,第一次購物的海外客戶都必須先 fax or email 他們 both sides of the credit card 才能完成交易. 因為那兩間都是蠻大的購物網,所以我想也不致於騙人. 或許他們被騙了太多次,請不到款才會有這種要求吧. |