[閒聊] 你會去傳真嗎 ?
前幾天有位版友介紹 NetFirms 註 .com 只要 US$4.95/year ~
我昨天在那裡隨便註冊了一個, 註冊完 該站的系統也顯示 "付款成功", 我的 email 也收到 該站收到此筆域名 的 信用卡付款... 今天我卻收到該站的來信: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Allen Lee, Thank you for your recent order. Netfirms is pleased that you have chosen us as your hosting provider. As you may already know, over the last few years, the number of fraudulent transactions occurring over the Internet has been on the rise. Because of this, our credit card processing bank has requested us to take certain measures to prevent such fraud from occurring. In order to fulfill this request, Netfirms is required to check the authenticity of your order. To complete your order, please provide us with a faxed copy of the front and back of the credit card used to order xxxxxx.com. You may block the middle digits if you wish for security purposes. We need to be able to see the first and last four digits of the credit card on both the front and back. Please also include the domain name along with the fax. Our fax number is 1-416-661-0700. We require this fax by 2004-11-26 by 2:00PM EST in order to process your credit card and complete the order. If this information is not received, your order will be cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We hope that you comply with our request so your order can be completed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-877-399-9909. Thank you, Netfirms Accounting Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如果每註冊一個 US$4.95 的域名 就必須 "傳真" 信用卡 的影本到美國 (大約再加幾十元台幣); 您認為合理嗎 ? 您願意傳真去嗎 ?! Ps. 不知道版友中有沒有碰到過此情形的 ? |
回信問他 用scan 然後 email 給他, 可行嗎?
你還可以用軟體把中間 8 碼遮住!
幫忙賺些奶粉錢, TKS! --- www.stock.com.tw |
之前還碰過要求傳真護照影本的,雖然說的很有哩,但為了省那幾拾塊錢,必須承擔不可預期的風險,可以思考看看。 信用卡正面不是只有ID,遮住有用嗎,你的號碼不是給他了嗎? 信用卡後面還有更重要的:安全授權碼、親筆簽名
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
我用那張卡 前後至少在國內外註冊超過 400 個域名, 收到那封信感覺毛毛的, 我已經去函要求 "退款", 等他們回覆...
我在信上問他們會不會 為了 一筆 US$4.95 金額的 信用卡付款 去向持卡者要求提供 "資料" 而感覺可笑... |
不知道是否是該公司不同部門之間沒有緊密的聯繫, 現在收到一封 詢問我為何要取消 web hosting 的來信 ?!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello Allen, Thank you for your e-mail inquiry. Is there a particular reason why you would like to cancel your web hosting with netfirms ? Is there a service or technical issue we can assist you with ? Did you plan to continue hosting xxxxxxx.com ? Tutorials, demos, and answers to over 90% of your questions may also be found immediately at our Self-Help Support Centre: http://www.netfirms.com/support. Regards, Trevor Netfirms, Inc. www.netfirms.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再者, 我既然取消了 註冊的域名 幹嘛還要使用他們 每個月 US$4.95 的 web hosting 呢 ? |
我也沒傳真護照,那筆金額是680美元。 我到法國莫內的故居買畫,依照國際禮儀我當然用英文跟她們交談,但她們卻一直用我聽不懂得法文回答我,火大我開始講中文,換他聽不懂問我"Can you speak english?"我英文有那麼爛嗎?後來還質疑我用的信用卡,包括中信、土銀、台新,我就帶3張,後來即使他們主管出面道歉,連同一些朋友7,8個人決定走了。 不論是國際上、或虛擬的網路,有時候、有些地方,當你不被信任的時候,只能無奈的取消交易,或是委屈的接受所有的驗證。 不過在這社會上,沒骨氣的通常比較能夠生存
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
法國人不肖講英文..... ? 多遇幾個就習慣了