想請問 www.48DVD.info 可以開多少阿? 日本才剛要上市的新產品喔~在商品開封後的四十八小時之內,消費者可以無限次播放DVD。 他就問我多少我可以賣~~我就照哈啦大大的文章 Hello, Thank you for your inquiry, I am not planning to sell this domain. However, if you make me a reasonable offer, I might consider to sell it to you. Best Regards 結果他竟然不給我答案...只跟我說 I need to know the lowest price you can accept. Please send it to me via email as soon as possible 那個會是故意來探軍情而以的嗎~~~ 真想故意學大大門的一招~~直接給他開到2000~10000的 ^^ 好像太誇張了 請大大給我一個價錢的建議好嗎... ps.他是問 info這個啦...但我還有biz和org....可能他沒興趣吧.....^^
恩~~我猜它是詐騙的~~應該說一定是詐騙的 Appraisal Scam
應為我可以在網路查到相關的...只稍微看的懂啦~~ 我把它寄的內容post出來....大大幫我想回應的方式...就當學學它如何騙吧~~~ 相關討論在 http://www.sedo.de/forum/?task=showt...id=&language=e 1.對方的第一封 Hello, I'm interested in your domain name listed for sale. Can you drop me your desired price? If I can afford it I'll reply. By the way, did you receive offers from other buyers? I run a software development company. Selling & buying names is not my main business. Just another way to invest money and make additional income. Please keep our correspondence confidential. Best regards, Robin K. Henson Ph. D. President TST Solutions 2.然後我回 Hello, Thank you for your inquiry, I am not planning to sell this domain. However, if you make me a reasonable offer, I might consider to sell it to you. Best Regards 3.對方回的第二封 I need to know the lowest price you can accept. Please send it to me via email as soon as possible. 請問我要如何回....幫我想想要如合玩...也可以當做交學文章喔 ^^ 真討厭..第一封就收到詐騙的
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