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搜尋: 文章作者: TienTien9394
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2006-08-20, 02:53 AM
回覆: 4
查看: 4,181
作者 TienTien9394
BEIJING (Reuters) - A sale of Chinese Internet...

BEIJING (Reuters) - A sale of Chinese Internet domain names netted more than $160,000 on Friday in what organisers said was the biggest such auction yet in the computer-crazy country.
版面: .CN 網域名稱 2006-08-02, 05:56 PM
回覆: 24
查看: 20,472
作者 TienTien9394
FinanceHome.CN & OfficialInfo.CN are still...

FinanceHome.CN & OfficialInfo.CN are still available :that is :
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-02, 05:42 PM
回覆: 6
查看: 9,117
作者 TienTien9394
Sorry, could not resist & regged the bottom...

Sorry, could not resist & regged the bottom 2....~embarass:
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-02, 05:21 PM
回覆: 6
查看: 9,117
作者 TienTien9394
Some "good" & available .TV names @ regular reg...

Some "good" & available .TV names @ regular reg fee:

版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-01, 04:31 PM
回覆: 15
查看: 15,099
作者 TienTien9394
Yes. Yes. Nice to meet you :bow I am really...

Yes. Yes. Nice to meet you :bow I am really happy to be part of the discussion. ~youarebe:
版面: IDN網域名稱 2006-08-01, 01:52 PM
回覆: 4
查看: 6,909
作者 TienTien9394
The official converter from Verisign FYI ~yes ...

The official converter from Verisign FYI ~yes

版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2006-08-01, 01:36 PM
回覆: 5
查看: 5,217
作者 TienTien9394
I think this can worth some money. As it is...

I think this can worth some money. As it is easily brandable & there may be a trend for membership cards to consolidate / partners with each other (e.g. the hotel / airline royalty programs). ...
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-01, 01:20 PM
回覆: 15
查看: 15,099
作者 TienTien9394
DomainDiscount24.com ~youarebe:

DomainDiscount24.com ~youarebe:
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-01, 09:43 AM
回覆: 15
查看: 15,099
作者 TienTien9394
Dear Best-url, I am now in Hong Kong. ...

Dear Best-url, I am now in Hong Kong.

From language prespective, I prefer all Chinese (it's more logical) to target the PRC market. Also, since the all Chinese name servers are located in the...
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-01, 09:20 AM
回覆: 15
查看: 15,099
作者 TienTien9394
Dear All, Thanks a lot. I think the ALL Chinese...

Dear All, Thanks a lot. I think the ALL Chinese IDNs really have a very bright future. So I also registered a few, such as: 人才.网络, 财务.网络, 发财.网络, 财富.网络, 发.网络, 财.网络, 赌.网络, 软体.网络, 珠宝.网络,.... I think...
版面: 各國別地區網域名稱 2006-08-01, 04:41 AM
回覆: 15
查看: 15,099
作者 TienTien9394
Thanks. I began to register a few years ago and...

Thanks. I began to register a few years ago and managed to get the reg fee down over time ~embarass: Now I am turning to IDNs.
版面: 網域名稱評價 2006-08-01, 04:23 AM
回覆: 3
查看: 5,400
作者 TienTien9394
It's a great gamble / lottory site! :songyy

It's a great gamble / lottory site! :songyy
版面: 網域名稱評價 2006-08-01, 04:14 AM
回覆: 1
查看: 4,689
作者 TienTien9394
新家.com may worth some money in 1-2 years ~yes

新家.com may worth some money in 1-2 years ~yes
版面: 域名交易、出租與交換 2006-07-31, 02:25 PM
回覆: 9
查看: 9,755
作者 TienTien9394
Sorry, my yahoo message is not working. Pls...

Sorry, my yahoo message is not working. Pls e-mail me at tientien9394@yahoo.com. Thx
版面: 網域名稱綜合討論 2006-07-31, 11:42 AM
回覆: 12
查看: 10,460
作者 TienTien9394
Dear DP, you can e-mail me at...

Dear DP, you can e-mail me at tientien9394@yahoo.com. My yahoo messanger does not work.... I have a portfolio of over 100 prime .TV names such as he.TV, she.TV, tour.TV, mart.TV.... that I am...
版面: 網名新聞與觀察評論 2006-07-31, 11:35 AM
回覆: 5
查看: 5,217
作者 TienTien9394
Great!! .info is really going up! ~yes

Great!! .info is really going up! ~yes
版面: 域名交易、出租與交換 2006-07-31, 09:07 AM
回覆: 9
查看: 9,755
作者 TienTien9394
USD xxx-xxxx for both? ~embarass:

USD xxx-xxxx for both? ~embarass:
版面: 網域名稱綜合討論 2006-07-28, 10:05 AM
回覆: 12
查看: 10,460
作者 TienTien9394
Everyone is interested in money making...

Everyone is interested in money making opportunities ?:teeth
版面: IDN網域名稱 2006-07-28, 09:58 AM
回覆: 10
查看: 9,627
作者 TienTien9394
Just like .com 10 years ago. It will soar in...

Just like .com 10 years ago. It will soar in valuation as the web content become more localized & local penetration increases. But have to wait a couple of years :that is :
版面: 域名交易、出租與交換 2006-07-27, 11:38 PM
回覆: 9
查看: 9,755
作者 TienTien9394
問題 How much?

How much do u want for career.cn & adults.cn? :shorto
版面: 域名交易、出租與交換 2006-07-27, 11:30 PM
回覆: 1
查看: 3,068
作者 TienTien9394
問題 Is it still available?

Is it still available? :shorto
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