都是很強的.tv |
Thanks. I began to register a few years ago and managed to get the reg fee down over time Now I am turning to IDNs.
對於 TienTien9394 擁有的 .TV 系列域名 - 躬身儆仰 ~ 目前將投入 IDN - 拭目以待 ~ |
Dear All, Thanks a lot. I think the ALL Chinese IDNs really have a very bright future. So I also registered a few, such as: 人才.网络, 财务.网络, 发财.网络, 财富.网络, 发.网络, 财.网络, 赌.网络, 软体.网络, 珠宝.网络,.... I think it may be natural for us (Chinese; I am also a Chinese but I am not good at typing, sorry ) to negivate all in Chinese.
請問您的看法 - 您認為 IDN.idn (人才.网络) 比 IDN.com (人才.com) 來的好 or... 因為看見您註冊許多 IDN.idn ~ 而且大多都是 .网络 的 您認為 .网络 的 IDN.idn 比 .中国 與 .公司 來的強嗎 ? 您目前身處何處呢 (個人好奇一問) ? |
Dear Best-url, I am now in Hong Kong.
From language prespective, I prefer all Chinese (it's more logical) to target the PRC market. Also, since the all Chinese name servers are located in the PRC (I think) the speed should be higher (the cross-border flow may be very slow in the PRC). Cheers,
[all Chinese (it's more logical) to target the PRC market] - 或許您說的正確; 由於我不在大陸, 沒有使用 & 體會 IDN.idn 中文域名的 便利性 以及 在網路上實際運行的威力 因此尚未嘗試... 請問 - all Chinese's IDN 目前已經可以 運作 (解析) 了嗎 ? |