Estimated end time: 6 days 23 hours 31 min. (Aug/26/07 05:51 PM CEST) Current Bid: 17,500 USD Reserve met! A ideal domain name for domain registration and after market! Huge potential commercial value! 33 billion search results in Google! The following domain names are registered: selldomain.com selldomain.net selldomain.org selldomain.info selldomain.biz selldomain.mobile selldomain.cn selldomain.co.uk selldomain.us selldomain.cc selldomain.tv selldomain.at selldomain.be selldomain.com.cn selldomain.net.cn selldomain.ca selldomain.co.nz selldomain.de selldomain.eu selldomain.ws selldomain.in |
$ 18000 now
Please place your bids at www.selldomain.com Estimated end time: 5 days 12 hours 26 min. (Aug/26/07 05:51 PM CEST) |
第一個出價就 17500,果然是好名! ![]() 大大真是大戶,記得沒錯,您在年初也在 SEDO 賣掉 f10.net http://www.domain.club.tw/showthread.php?t=16528 可不可以分享一下,除了域名本身的價值以外,要如何讓買家很快的就出價。
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恭喜發財 :D !!
F10.NET那个卖家最后也没付款,会再拍的。 |