有留意 .tel 和 .mp 的網友應該知道這兩個TLD 有著相類似的地方
- 都能提供 vCard - 都能按不同的私隱公開不同的內容 (需要登入/指定人士) - 有聯絡簿 - 支援不同的聯絡方式 (如 Skype,MSN,電話,地址) , 很方便 我用了 vip.tel 和 chi.mp 兩者 beta 的服務,兩者都有可取之處 .tel 好處 - 可以加入不同的 subdomain,可以一層一層進入,或是只是一個人的聯絡資料 (例子 hotels.tel 和 emma.tel) - 有 Outlook , Blackberry 和 Windows Mobile 的 plug-in - 有百多間域名申請公司可以申請到 壞處 - 要收費 ($15 USD 一年) - 沒有自己設定的 Theme/頁面 .mp 好處 - 免費 , 若果想增加域名連入相同的聯絡頁面則每個 $20 USD 一年 - 支援 OpenID , 以暫時所有的 OpenID 網站之中是最短和最方便 (最少只是 6 個英文字母加一點 xxxx.mp , 對比起 AOL 的 openid.aol.com/username , 而 Chi.mp 的其中一個工作人員的網址更是 d.mp) - 有整合功能,可以將不同的 Feed 顯示在你的頁面上,可按是否公開 - 可以選擇自己的 Theme 和 Style 壞處 - 只有一個可申請免費域名的網頁 (chi.mp) 和一個申請收費域名的網頁 (get.mp) - 暫時是處於測試階段,不可以公開地申請 - 沒有 Plugin - 不能上傳自己的網頁,需要網頁的 (DNS) 要付費 $20 USD 一年 - 不支援 subdomain .tel 雖然idea 不錯,但相對地 .mp 可以做得更多 ![]() 此篇文章於 2009-01-23 02:40 PM 被 brianlai 編輯。 |
是 ccTLD 但現在的用途和 .tel 根本是類似的
![]() 而且不會是 xxxx.chi.mp 或是 chi.mp/xxxx 直接是給你一個頂級 xxxx.mp 此篇文章於 2009-01-03 10:54 AM 被 brianlai 編輯。 |
.mp好过.tel,我刚拿到invite和得到了一个, devlim.mp
但根据 chi.mp, 每人只能那一个,要一个以上要付 $$$。 和.mp可一有PR,http://marketplace.mp/ 的 PR 是 6也!但whois好想不回写是你的 .tel也不错,好想能 earn money,但要等到.tel很红先 此篇文章於 2009-01-03 06:04 PM 被 devabby 編輯。 |
You are your domain: .tel and .mp Two domain-based identity sites will be in the media this this week: Telnic's .tel, which launches at DemoFall, and Chi.mp, whose team will be holding court across the street from the TechCrunch50 conference in San Francisco on Monday and Tuesday (clever strategy, that). I think these two companies make a trend, but I'm not convinced it's a long-lived one. The simple concept behind both companies is this: You'll get your own name in a domain, a .tel or .mp, and then use it as a hub for your online identities and content. The sites will offer some blend of a business card function, like Plaxo, and personal feed aggregaton, like Friendfeed. The pitch from both is similar: Instead of sending people to a page that's heavily branded by someone else (for example, Facebook), you can give out your domain. Keep that updated with your contact info, and then as long as people know your domain, they'll have a way to reach you. I would not be surprised if both of these sites also became OpenID authenticators (Chi.mp already is). It's convenient for users. Chi.mp founder Tony Haile's vision for Chi.mp's utility is quite similar to the promise of OpenID and to the concepts in DiSo and the Social Graph API, emerging protocols for sharing social network data between sites. Chi.mp is a free service. The paid .tel product will allow its subscribers to control which networks their contacts reach them on, if I understand the preview info I saw correctly. Telnic also has a plan in place to allow people to claim their name -- a critical function, since there can be only one BobSmith.tel. While I think the idea of using a top-level domain with a vanity URL as personal calling card is a gimmick -- unless there's only one TLD, which there clearly won't be -- the idea that every person can have a permanent location on the Net that's about who they are and not what they do does make some sense. And maybe we need that destitation to not be a social site like Facebook. Maybe it needs to be, basically, unsocial. My site, by me, for you -- under my control. Social site profiles do allow that, but they don't feel the same. But it's also quite possible that the subtle difference between appearing to own a site and owning a slice of another site isn't enough to sustain this new idea. For my part, I bought rafeneedleman.com ages ago (I don't update it anymore). I'm also holding the .com domain names of my wife and son in reserve, just in case. These personal .coms don't t have the functionality of the services I discuss here but perhaps that points to a workable alternate business model: Provide contact and aggregation features that people like me can use from domains they already have. |
i personally like .mp than .tel coz 1.FREE, but currently bata version so only people who been invite or get beta code from chi.mp can own .mp domain 2.It you post ur twitter message, it will show at your.mp domain(if i not mistake, tel only can link, so long didnt use .tel beta/testing already) 3.It will show ur Flikr image at you .mp domain if u link ur flikr account 3.Can change theme, even though only has few option(cant change theme at .tel domain) i only able to tell this diffrent coz i not using too much .mp domain and lazy to search and read the diffrent between .mp and .tel domain and the thing that i little bit sad about is 1.Everyone only can has one free .mp domain, if want more than 1,need pay $20 for per addition .mp domain(Buy from get.mp) 2.Domain must at least 4 word no matter free or buy from get.mp(-_-) 3.Almost all(i think 99.9%) Good keyword belong to chi.mp inlcude those .com domain where been sell for high price like sex.mp, businees.mp, malaysia.mp, property.mp, busineesplan.mp, bank.mp, twitter.mp and many many more. 4.youtube.mp and adobe.mp belong to someone else(0_0), i thought google and adobe will claim their .mp domain or maybe their didnt buy from sunrise period(dont know has sunrise period or not…)[yahoo.mp belong to yahoo, when enter will get "Sorry, the page you requested was not found." message] |