Dear Customer, Dr Name, Inc. [Under Registrar: NetEarth One, Inc.] has received a request from Zaher on Monday, Dec 13, 2009 for NetEarth One, Inc. to become the new registrar of record, for xxxxx.com. You have received this message because you are listed as the Registered Name Holder or Administrative contact for this domain name in the WHOIS database. Please read the following important information about transferring your domain name: You must agree to enter into a new Registration Agreement with us. Click Here to review the full terms and conditions of the Agreement Once you have entered into the Agreement, the transfer will take place within five (5) calendar days unless the current registrar of record denies the request. Once a transfer takes place, you will not be able to transfer to another registrar for 60 days, apart from a transfer back to the original registrar, in cases where both registrars so agree or where a decision in the dispute resolution process so directs. If you WISH TO PROCEED with the transfer of xxxxx.com, you must respond to this message by clicking the below link: Approve Transfer Link: http://spot235796.myorderbox.com/linkhandler/servlet/ConfirmRfaServlet?rfaid=2105918&type=DomTrfRegToUs&participant_name=AdminContact&participant_emailaddress=domain8@hotmail.com&domainname=xxxxx.com&response=y&key=398305883&requestfor=DomTrfRegToUs&rvid=4457 (Note: If the above link appears to be broken, copy and paste it in your Browser's Address Bar) Important - If you do not respond by Saturday, Dec 18, 2009, xxxxx.com will not be transferred to us If you DO NOT WANT the transfer of xxxxx.com to proceed, then don't respond to this message or click on the below link to cancel the transfer request. Cancel Transfer Link: http://spot235796.myorderbox.com/linkhandler/servlet/ConfirmRfaServlet?rfaid=123456&type=DomTrfRegToUs&participant_name=AdminContact&participant_emailaddress=domain8@hotmail.com&domainname=xxxxx.com&response=n&key=398305883&requestfor=DomTrfRegToUs&rvid=4457
真诚做人,小心做事。 |
通常你只要自己目前的註冊商的域名是lock狀態,就可以完全不用理這些電郵,時間一到就會主動回絕。但如果沒有lock,有的註冊商是會主動移轉的喔。 這電郵上還有二個連結,一個是表示准許,這其實是方便加速移轉之用,就算沒按,而域名也沒lock的話,時間到了還是會移轉。 另一個是拒絕,這個一按就直接停止了這次移轉。 但為了怕按錯,我的建議就是做好自己域名lock鎖住的狀態然後不要理這些東西。 |