今天收到了一封發自 noreply@microsoft.net 信箱的信,
標題是 : E-mail Promo Notification 內文 : MICROSOFT END OF YEAR NOTIFICATION This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of seven hundred and fifty thousand Pounds (Ј750,000.00) in Microsoft End of year award held in United Kingdom, with REF No: L/200-26937 BATCH No: 2010MJL-01 Do fill out your details for payment: 1.Full Name 2.Full Address 3.Marital Status 4.Occupation 5.Age 6.Sex 7.Nationality 8.Country Of Residence 9.Telephone Number PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR Dr.Pinkett Graffin TEL:+44-758-789-2992 Email: prinnket.graffin@vista.aero ==================================== |