由於垃圾站太多,Google 搜索完全清除了所有 .co.cc 網站索引
2011年7月1日閱讀評論發表評論1 我們曾經經歷過因為某個免費主機站下有太多垃圾站,Google直接不予索引整個該主機下所有域名的事情,現在Google玩出更狠的招數了:Matt Cutts號稱由於co.cc這個域名下的垃圾站太多,Google決定直接不予索引任何改域名下的網站。所以你現在在Google搜索不到任何.co.cc的網站(如上圖)。 一石激起千層浪,Google Webmaster Help, DigitalPoint Forums, WebmasterWorld 甚至是 Google AdWords Help都對此事有激烈的討論。Google的JohnMu解釋說: 我以前就說過,如果我們發現一個免費主機上有太多的低質量的垃圾站或釣魚站,我們有權不索引改主機下所有的網站。 如果你認為自己的網站符合站長守則,那麼我建議你提交信息讓我們知道。如果你的網站使用了.co.cc這種被垃圾站廣為使用的域名,那麼你應該想辦法解決(指換域名吧)。 Google Wipes Out Any Site On CO.CC http://www.seroundtable.com/co-cc-google-removal-13644.html We know Google reserves the right to ban all sites on a host if the host seems to have an unusual percentage of spammy sites on it. Well, Google banned a whole sub-domain yesterday specifically co.cc. Google's Matt Cutts actually mentioned it on Google + but now there are lots of threads on the topic. Threads at Google Webmaster Help, DigitalPoint Forums, WebmasterWorld and even Google AdWords Help. Googler, JohnMu, explained they can do this and have been doing this elsewhere with places like Malware issues. He said: As he mentions there, "if we see a very large fraction of sites on a specific freehost be spammy or low-quality, we do reserve the right to take action on the freehost as a whole." Taking action like this is not really something new, and it is something that we may do elsewhere at Google as well (eg as mentioned on with regards to malware). If you feel that your particular site is in line with our Webmaster Guidelines, I would recommend submitting a reconsideration request. Additionally, if you use a subdomain on a widely used domain name, and feel that your subdomain provider is not up to par with regards to preventing and handling abuse quickly - be it webspam, phishing, or malware - you may wish to look into ways of remedying that. That being said the Google AdWords Help forum even has an AdWords representative suggesting you do not use co.cc as a domain. The representative explained that although the TLD is not yet banned from AdWords, it is a risky TLD and it is "definitely [in] a bad neighborhood." |
兩字母 CO.CC 註冊者是個韓國人,
他拿到這個域名後, 把 .co.cc 當成一個後綴來宣傳推廣, 由於品相不錯, 吸引不少使用者, 而後來被人濫用 |
免費果然是最貴的 ![]()
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co.cc断财路啦 能争取回GOOGLE屏蔽吗