來自於box.net blog
bye bye .net http://blog.box.net/2011/11/17/bye-bye-net/ When Box founders Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith started the company in 2005, Box.net was a consumer solution with a long way to go. Fast forward six plus years, and we’re a much different company today. As we developed and changed focus to the business and enterprise market, it became clear that the company needed a trusted, enterprise-worthy domain that aligns with the product that we’ve built. That’s why today we’re excited to announce that Box is moving from Box.net to Box.com! Starting very soon, you’ll be automatically taken to the new domain (www.box.com) when signing into your Box account. Only the URL is changing – you’ll still have access all your important files and folders with no interruption to your workflow. We’re happy to leave the .net behind and move on to the bigger and better Box, and are glad you’re a part of our success. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the move. box.net 為雲端儲存空間服務 新的網址為 http://www.box.com/ .com 還是王道阿 另一個服務在之前有資金後也購買.com網域 min.us 購買 minus.com 類似雲端儲存服務有 Dropbox http://www.dropbox.com/ SugarSync http://www.sugarsync.com/ ASUS WebStorage http://www.asuswebstorage.com/ |
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