這是那個自稱domain king的人今天發的文章,強調我們都要勇於放棄不好的域名。連他都會天天淘汰掉不好的域名。我大致翻譯一下主要內容,給各位參考:
Pigeon Sh*t Can Actually Make you go Blind! The Great Pigeon Sh*t Drop of 2013 Morning Folks!! Want to make $1000 before noon TODAY? Then do what I do. Each morning I go into my account and shut off auto-renewal on a dozen or more domains. I look at each domain at $100 each over the course of the next 10 years with the increases etc. So each time I take a domain off auto-renewal and prepare for it to drop, I make $100. 想要在今天中午之前就賺進一千美元嗎?那請跟著我做。每天上午我都會登入到我的帳戶裡關掉一打或以上的域名的auto-renew功能。我視每個域名在未來十年內至少有一百元的成本花費,因此當我關掉它的自動續費功能時,我等於立刻賺了一百美元進來。 We all have pigeon shit. Been talking about it for 3 years. Remember back then that the way folks made up for not having quality was having quantity? So where did all the 6 figure domain holders go? Most are long gone. Swallowed up by their own overhead. They never even wrote a goodbye letter. They just went bye bye. Pigeon Shit can make you blind! 我們都會擁有垃圾域名,我已經說了這檔事三年了。爛域名能矇閉你的心智。 I have dropped 4000 domains in the past 2 years and I plan at least 1000 more. Each 1000 domains frees up $100,000 to buy ONE REAL DOMAIN. 在過去二年內我已經丟棄了四千個域名,而我打算再放棄一千個以上。每一千個域名將會省下我十萬美元好去買一個真正級的域名。 Look, with time we learn things. Some things don't pan out. Some do. Each day, each year we get new information and the new information is what turns a domain into one worth tossing. Some pigeon shit eating domainer will pick it up and then you will have defined things even more. I know it is hard to let go. I know as well as anyone. But what works works and what does not work is called a recurring bill. That's not an asset. That is a liability. So if your domains are a liability, wtf are you doing? 我和其他人一樣,要放棄域名不是容易的事,但好的域名就是好的域名,爛的域名就只能是你的經常性帳單,而非資產。所以如果你的域名一真讓你處於賠錢狀態,真不知你在搞些什麼? Overhead is what makes or breaks anyone or any business. Things change, things evolve, we learn and grow. Phrases used just a few years ago are now obsolete. That's what happens when you are on the cutting edge of things. You get things that get outdated quickly. So what makes you a domainer? If you can't rattle off a half dozen impressive domains........then what are you doing? I can't tell you how sad it makes me to see portfolios with 1000 domains and not a one worth registration fees. That domainer can right his ship, but he still FIRST has to learn what makes one domain have value and another one have only a bill. Piece of glass vs a diamond. You would think one would take a DAY OR TWO to figure it out. 所以什麼是domainer?如果你拿不出五六個能讓人印象深刻的域名,那你到底在搞什麼鬼?我不能告訴每當我看到有人註了一千個域名卻沒一個像樣的是覺得多麼悲慘的事?當然每個dmainer都能決定自己的方向,但至少要搞清楚哪種域名才是有價值的,而哪種域名則只是一個帳單而已? I am not happy to say that Pigeon Shit Farmers outnumber domainers by some 100-1. That's the number folks. 100-1. Maybe more. There are well over 100,000 that call themselves domainers but less than 1000 that actually qualify. 我認為十個自稱domainer的人裡有九成九其實都只是在收集垃圾而已。 Have a GREAT PIGEON SHIT FREE Day! Rick Schwartz |
![]() 有時候某個域名 我們因為續費了多年 捨不得丟掉 便繼續"投資" 到最後甚至只想回本也困難 這也是我最近的覺悟 捨棄也是一種回收
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投資是買別人喜歡的. 最近的體悟... ![]()
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通常是沒流量、沒賣相、一時手癢註冊下來的。 所以大概也不會架站,parking 也賺不了錢。 當理性認為必須放棄,獸性卻捨不得,陷入天人交戰時,小弟有一個做法讓各位參考,小弟用這個方法每年放棄數十個域名。 1. 在理性戰勝獸性的瞬間,立即將自動續費改成手動續費。(自欺欺人:我沒有放棄,只是改一下續費方式) 2. 收到通知信,Next Attempt Date,反正還一個禮拜,而且還會收到好幾次,不用急著處理,還來得及的。 3. 收到 Next Attempt Date:CANCELLED 的通知信,死心了 ![]()
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