Do you own a domain name? Have you ever given any thought to how much that domain name might be worth? You might be surprised at how many people have made their millions off of domain names alone. The following is a list of the 60 top domainers. 1. Adam Dicker (DNForum) Adam Dicker first bought DNForum back in March of 2003. He is the founder of High Impact Sites, Inc., a company who makes their money by buying high traffic domain names and turning them into pay-per-click sites. Apart from domains, Dicker also runs several high profile websites, such as the site that put his name out there in the first place, DNForum. 2. Ammar Kubba (TrafficZ) Ammar Kubba is the CEO of Thought Convergence, Inc., a business advisor, and an investor. Ammar had an integral part in TrafficZ, which already had a reputation of its own before being acquired by Kubba. 3. Andrew Hazen (DomainWealth.com) Andrew Hazen is what you would consider a senior domain name entrepreneur. Hazen began in 1996, helping to beef up different websites for profit, all while attending law school. After perfecting his craft of landing websites in the top 5 results in search engines, he began to purchase and acquire various domains and turn them into his own. 4. Bill Muskin (Name.com) Bill Mushkin is the founder and CEO of Name.com, as well as Mushkin, Inc. Bill seems to like to play both sides of the court, as Mushkin Inc. is a large seller of computer parts and accessories, and Name.com is one of the largest domain registrars in the world. 5. Bob Parsons (GoDaddy.com) By now, most people have seen the somewhat risqué GoDaddy.com commercials. But not very many people know the man behind it. Bob Parsons founded GoDaddy.com in 1997, and now has on his hands one of the most famous and most profitable domain registrars. 6. Chad Folkening (eCorp) Chad Folkening has had an interesting slew of twists and turns in his rise to the top. He is no doubt one of the industries heavyweights, but what’s different about Chad is his motivation. He essentially used his life’s experiences as fuel for the fire to skyrocket him into one of the least known, yet well-established domain name owners. 7. Bruce Tonkin (Melbourne IT) Dr. Bruce Tonkin is currently the Chief Strategy Officer of Melbourne IT. He is very well versed in electronics and electrical engineering. Tonkin oversees all of the partnerships with the company, planning out long-term strategies for benefit for the company. 8. Chris Ambler (eNom) Chris Ambler is one of the smartest men on the planet, having begun his computer programming experience back in 1979…at 12 years old. He refers to himself as the “Powerful Internet Ninja”, working with the best of the best in all spectrums of the computer industry. 9. Chris Chena Chris Chena became an overnight sensation when he took a different approach to buying domain names. Chena comes from Paraguay and is thus fluent in Spanish. He developed 3 big domain names: Coches.com (cars), Viajes.com (trips), and Classificados.com (classifieds). Needless to say, he was able to tap into a fairly untouched market. He now owns Chena Ventures. 10. Chris Maroney (Original Afternic) Chris Maroney is the Co-CEO of Afternic.com. Afternic.com operates a little differently than most domain sites. Instead of buying a domain itself, Afternic.com allows you to browse and purchase “Aftermarket” domain names (domain names which are already in use and established). 11. Colin Yu (Reinvent) Much like Dr. Bruce Tonkin who made the list earlier, Colin Yu has been an entrepreneur since his early years. He is also the Chief Strategy Officer and co-founder of Reinvent media group. Colin helped to found Reinvent media group back in 2000 shortly after his 10 year tenure with HSBC bank. 12. Dan Parisi (WhiteHouse.com) Dan Parisi founded WhiteHouse.com as a political entertainment website back in 1997. Over time more and more adult content began being published to the site from other users, leading in some negative reactions from the general public, and even a letter from former President Bill Clinton. As of 2004, Parisi sold the domain and it now functions as a site for Google ads. 13. Dan Warner (Fabulous) Dan Warner worked as the COO of Dark Blue Sea, Ltd., during the acquisition of Fabulous.com, a domain name registration and monetization site. Dan has since departed from Dark Blue Sea, Ltd. and is now the CEO of DomainAdvertising.com. 14. David and Michael Castello (CCIN.com) The Castello Brothers began their quest for millions as humble musicians. In 1991, Michael began his search through the then archaic internet to begin creating a website for their band. What he discovered instead was the world of domain names, and began registering various domain names. Today, CCIN is one of the premier developers of city domains, such as PalmSprings.com and Nashville.com. 15. Dean Shannon (Fabulous) Dean Shannon is the founder of Fabulous.com (mentioned above). Dean Shannon has been instrumental in the development of the domain industry, holding one of the first domain conferences in 2002. 16. Eliot Noss (Tucows) Eliot Noss has been with Tucows since 1997. He originally held the position of Vice President of Corporate Services for Tucows Interactive, Ltd., After its purchase by Tucows Delaware in May 1999, he was made the President and CEO in 2001. 17. Eric Harrington (Moniker) Founder of Moniker.com, Eric Harrington has a long list of big names for which he’s worked for in the past 20 years, such as Ford and GE. Harrington stepped down from Moniker.com in 2009 in order to focus on his next venture, Harrington Enterprises. 18. Eric Rice (BulkRegister) Eric Rice was a key factor in the success of BulkRegister. He helped create new methods for domain aftermarket and really made BulkRegister renowned for their excellent customer service. BulkRegister was bought out in 2006. 19. Frank Schilling (Name Administration) Frank Schilling began Name Administration only 12 years ago. Although he is 42 years old, he is one of the few in the domain industry who has been able to throw his name in the hat so late and still achieve the success he has. Today, he is one of the most renowned “domainers” in the world. 20. Fred Hsu (Oversee) Fred Hsu is one of the founders of Oversee.net. Hsu helped to build the site from the ground up and is currently the largest individual shareholder of the company. Hsu is now the President and CEO of Manage.com 21. George Decarlo (Dotster) George Decarlo founded Dotster back in 1999 as a domain registrar. Since then, Dotster has expanded to web hosting and design. Over 1 million domains registered under the Dotster name. 22. Gregory J. Manriquez (NameDrive) Namedrive, the company that Gregory Manriquez founded in 2005, is a site that deals with many different aspects of domain parking, such as brokerage and optimization. Manriquez is one of the youngest of the “domainers”, but had a very tight grasp on the industry, even filing for a patent in 2008 for domain name securitization. 23. Howard Neu (T.R.A.F.F.I.C) Neu’s accomplishments include singing, acting, radio and T.V., politics, and even law. He is one of the only people on the list whose spin is more of the legal kind rather than being an internet specialist for 20+ years. He is one of the oldest on the list, but he is also one of the most well-rounded people in the domain business. 24. Jay Westerdal (DomainTools) Jay Westerdal is the founder of DomainTools.com. DomainTools.com is a unique site that has the ability to look up the historical ownership of a website. Aside from DomainTools, he also has his own personal blog in which he covers a wide variety of topics, mainly focusing on technology. 25. John Kane (eNom) John Kane is the Senior Vice President for eNom, Inc. He has aided eNom in becoming the second largest domain registrar in the world, as well as one of the most recognized names in the domain industry. 26. Jon Whelan (Afternic) Jon Whelan is currently the co-CEO of AfterNIC.com. In addition to AfterNIC, he is also a part of the New York Angels, an invitation-only organization made up of Angel Investors. 27. Joyce Lin (007 Names) Joyce Lin is yet another veteran to the domain business. She is the Vice President of 007names.com and a member of the Registrar Stakeholder Group. 007names.com has been providing web hosting services since 1996. 28. JP Vazquez (Capitol Domains) JP Vazquez is one of the leading internet experts, as well as a consultant. As the Vice President of Finance for iHoldings, Inc., he helped to acquire domains such as Capitoldomains.com and Belgiumdomains.com. In 2007, Dell filed a lawsuit against Vazquez for a variety of activities that they believed were unlawful. 29. Kevin Ham (Reinvent) Kevin Ham is one of the few Canadians on the list. However, he is the Founder and CEO of Reinvent, Inc. Reinvent, Inc. was founded back in 2000 and continues to remain a strong contender in the domain arena. 30. Kevin Medina (RegisterFly.com) Kevin Medina was the CEO of domain registrar RegisterFly.com. In 2007, a slew of customer complaints and claims of missing and misused money came to light, putting RegisterFly, and Kevin Medina, in jeopardy. Since that time, RegisterFly.com has filed for bankruptcy. 31. Lawrence Ng (Oversee) Lawrence Ng is the co-founder (along with Fred Hsu who also made the list) and CEO of Oversee.com. He has a mind for business, with their annual revenue well over $200 million in 2007 and steadily rising ever since. 32. Marc Ostrofsky (Business.com) Marc Ostrofsky is a force to be reckoned with in the domain industry. Aside from Business.com, he is a New York Times Bestselling author. Unlike many other people on the list, Marc is a public figure, having appeared on many different television networks and in newspapers. 33. Markus Schnermann (Keyword Domains) Known as the “superstar of the domain industry”, Markus Schnermann has built himself into a prominent figure in the domain industry. He first began to explore the world of domains in 1997 and since has stuck to the method of using the profits from the domains he sells to reinvest in buying more domains. 34. Michael Arrington (Pool.com) Michael Arrington is the founder of TechCrunch, a technology blog. However, Arrington is most famous for his Pool.com stint in which Arrington led his team to success in just a little less than a year. 35. Michael Collins (Afternic) Michael Collins is a former member and co-founder of the Afternic crew. Michael and his brother Roger (who will appear on this list as well), founded Afternic back in 2002. Michael left the company back in 2007 to pursue other career opportunities. 36. Michael Kovatch (IPhone.com) Just about everybody in today’s day and age knows about iPhones. However, back in 1995, Michael Kovatch purchased a domain name called IPhone.com, planning to turn it into a business someday. Back in 2007, shortly after the arrival of the iPhone, Apple contacted Michael to purchase the domain name due to the massive amount of traffic the domain had attracted in just 6 months. 37. Michelle Miller (BuyDomains) A former COO for BuyDomains.com and Vice President of Sales and Services for NameMedia, Michelle Miller may not be one of the better known names, but she has played a key role in establishing NameMedia as the kingpin it is today. Since then she has only continued her success, now President and COO of Apogee Media, LLC. 38. Mike Mann (BuyDomains) Mike Mann is the actual “founder” of BuyDomains.com after he registered the domain name, later selling it for 80 million in 2005. Although he is not your traditional businessman, he is arguably one of the most successful on this list, buying thousands of domains a day and selling them shortly after. 39. Monte Cahn (Moniker) Monte Cahn is the inventor of live domain auctions. Cahn founded Moniker.com in 1995, leaving in 2010 to establish Rightofthedot.com, a very successful consulting firm. 40. Page Howe (Seniors.com) Page Howe is a prime example of how luck, and a few good investments can change your life around. After a domain he bought flopped, Page Howe risked losing everything. Even though it slowed him down, he refused to give up. In 2007 he sold Seniors.com for 1.5 million, followed by selling Guy.com for 1 million. 41. Paul Stahura (eNom) Paul Stahura is the CEO and co-founder of the startup company, Donuts, Inc. With over 20 years in the software development industry, Paul gained notoriety while he was the CEO of eNom. 42. Peter Forman (Register.com) Peter Forman was one of the three founders of Forman Interactive, which later changed into Register.com. Register.com sells registration for general extensions. Peter stepped down as CEO in 2005. 43. Pinky Brand (idNames.com) Pinky Brand (who’s real first name is Pinkard), began his business by helping to cofound Internet Domain Names, Inc. Pinky is an avid lover of travel and photography, currently residing near Dublin, Ireland. He is the now the CSO of DomainDiction. 44. Randy Charach (Synergy Domains Inc.) Randy Charach founded Synergy Domains, Inc., while also performing as a mentalist, magician, and motivational speaker. 45. Ray King (Snapnames) Ray King is the CEO of AboutUs.org. In 2000, King moved to Portland, Oregon to co-found Snapnames.com, which created new ways of acquiring domain names. AboutUs.org is currently the world’s largest editable index of the web. 46. Richard Forman (Register.com) Richard Forman was the co-founder and CEO of Register.com, as well as a former board member of the New York Angels. He has since focused his efforts on the health care industry, and is the founder and current CEO of ExpertConsensus, LLC. 47. Rick Schwartz (T.R.A.F.F.I.C) Currently, Schwartz is the President and CEO for 2 different companies, JointVentures.com, T.R.A.F.F.I.C., and Virtual Dates, Inc. He is a true veteran in the domain industry and by far one of the most productive. 48. Rob Hall (Pool.com) Rob Hall was one of the founding members of the Pool.com team, serving as the CEO then and now. He is the chairman of the majority of the acquisitions of Momentous and has received numerous honors for his work in the field. 49. Roger Collins (Afternic) A co-founder of Afternic alongside his brother, Michael Collins, Roger took Afternic all the way to the top, making them a top domain name broker after nearly failing. He has since moved on to a less stressful line of work as a contractor and a developer. 50. Roland Chemtob (Branded Holding Group) Roland Chemtob is a startup investor as well as a developer who currently resides in the Hamptons. 51. Ron Wiener (Snapnames) Ron Wiener was the Chairman and CEO for Snapnames.com for almost 2 years. He has founded and led many different businesses throughout his career thus far, and currently works as the Chief Mechanic at Venture Mechanics, LLC. 52. Russ Goodwin (Naugus Limited) Russ Goodwin is a General Manager for Naugus Limited, LLC. After running into minor trouble with icann, Goodwin resolved the matter. As of 2013, they are in the process of changing their name and transferring their services to Domainwar.net 53. Sahar Sarid (Recall Media Group) Sahar Sarid is a former domainer who made his rounds in the domain industry and even was inducted into the Domain Hall of Fame in 2007. Since 2010, he has been taking a break, traveling all over the globe. 54. Sean Muller (eNom) Sean Muller is the founder and CEO for iSpot.tv,Inc., a social marketing/data platform for brands on television. He was the former CTO for eNom, as well as Demand Media, Inc. 55. Taryn Naidu (Pool.com) Taryn Naidu is the Executive Vice President of Registrar Services at Demand Media, and also the General Manager of eNom. Prior to working for Demand Media, he was the CEO and President of Pool.com. 56. Tim Schumacher (Sedo) Tim Schumacher made Sedo.com what it is today. However, Tim desired to expand his own horizons and parted ways with the company in January of 2012. 57. Thunayan K. Alghanim (FMA.com) One of the most impressive domainers out there, Thunayan K. Alghanim took the domain industry by storm when he first entered the scene in 2001. In 2003, just a little over 2 years of breaking into the business, he acquired 12,000 quality domains and has since continued that trend. 58. Vern Jurovich (Proformainc.com) Vern Jurovich founded Pro Forma, Inc. back in 2003. Aside from his domain sales, he also has quite the eye for real estate. 59. Will Pemble (Web.com) Will Pemble founded and led Web.com to complete success for almost 7 years. Since that time, he has gone onto further success with Hartmann Studios, Pemble.com, Inc, and Shopportive eCommerce. 60. Yun Ye (UltSearch) Much like Thunayan K. Alghanim, Yun Ye is somewhat of an enigma in the industry, amassing ridiculously profitable and impressive portfolios in short amounts of time while keeping his identity a mystery. Later on it was revealed that he got his start through a 16 year old internet guru from Mumbai who aided and guided him to success. Let us know if we had forgotten anyone on this list. If you’ve had excellent success in the domain name game, or plan to delve into the domainer lifestyle this year, tell us about it in the comments below! Adam Toren is an Award Winning Author, Serial Entrepreneur, and Investor. He Co-Founded YoungEntrepreneur.com along with his brother Matthew. Adam is co-author of the newly released book: Small Business, Big Vision: “Lessons on How to Dominate Your Market from Self-Made Entrepreneurs Who Did it Right” and also co-author of Kidpreneurs. Follow Adam on Twitter: @thebizguy http://www.blogtrepreneur.com/2013/03/29/60-of-the-top-domain-name-millionaires/ |
61. 哈拉
哈大 is a mysterious old man who funded DomainClub.org
DomainName.com |
The 20 Most Influential People In The Domain Industry Posted on Monday, December 3, 2007 by clicky 2007 Edition Meet the Executives, Entrepreneurs, and cutting-edge innovators who have positively influenced today’s domain industry business agenda.The names presented here weren’t selected on the basis of fame, net worth, or the accomplishments of yesteryears. Instead my goal was to identify people whose ideas, products, pioneering accomplishments and industry insights have or are changing the world of domaining. A remarkable who’s who of the domain industry. (content assistance) ------------------------------------------------------------- Vinton Cerf Former ICANN Chairman/ VP and chief Internet evangelist for Google Why He Matters: Widely known as the "Father of the Internet," Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet.Vint Cerf serves as chairman of the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Cerf served as founding president of the Internet Society from 1992-1995 and in 1999 served a term as chairman of the Board. In addition, Cerf is honorary chairman of the IPv6 Forum, dedicated to raising awareness and speeding introduction of the new Internet protocol. Cerf served as a member of the U.S. Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) from 1997 to 2001 and serves on several national, state and industry committees focused on cyber-security. Cerf recently made headlines when he was quoted as saying “Attempts by governments to create a controlling agency for the Internet are likely to fail.” (content assistance) Rick Schwartz CEO, President and Cofounder of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Why He Matters: Rick Schwartz purchased his first domain name in December 1995 when he paid $100 for LipService.com. Eight years later to the month he sold one, Men.com, for $1.32 million in a deal that was reported worldwide. As one of the early domain pioneers dating back to 1995, he was a pioneer in the history of domain names, and is generally regarded as an expert in the field of web site traffic, flow and valuation.He is also known for being one of the first people to recognize the value of "type in" web site traffic, which is also known as "direct navigation" traffic, referring to domain names that are typed in directly to a web browser's URL text box. Rick’s highly successful T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference is a premier industry event. More information about Rick Schwartz can be found at his blog. (content assistance) Ron Jackson Editor and Publisher of DNJournal Why He Matters: The first domain Ron Jackson registered was MusicParadise.com in 1997. He came into the domain business strictly as a buyer/seller/investor, however having been a journalist, Ron soon recognized that despite this being a business where tens of millions of dollars were changing hands annually, it had no trade magazine. Ron decided to be the voice for the domain industry and put DNJournal.com online New Year’s Day 2003. Today, DNjournal.com is considered the “wall street journal” of the domaining world and Ron Jackson is one of the most highly respected journalists in the industry. (content assistance) Monte Cahn Founder and CEO of DomainSystems Why He Matters: Monte Cahn is Founder and CEO of DomainSystems, Inc., which is the parent company of the domain traffic monetization solution TrafficClub.com, and 9 ICANN Accredited Registrars including industry leading registrar - Moniker.com. He started investing in intellectual property and domain names in 1996 and helped start the first online domain brokerage business on the Internet in 1996.Success includes participating in the industry's first domain name sale for over $1 million dollars with the sale of Wallstreet.com and the industries first $2 million dollar plus domain sale with the sale of Autos.com in 1999. Many feel that these two industry record sales were responsible for dot com buying and selling frenzy that started in late 1999. Monte is also responsible for co-developing the industry's first recognized domain appraisal system to date. Monte Cahn is the host of the new free Internet radio shows 'Domain Masters' on WebmasterRadio.fm and yNotRadio.com that broadcasts each week. (content assistance) Kevin Ham The Man Who Owns The Internet Why He Matters: Trained as a family doctor, Kevin Ham put off medicine after discovering the riches of the domain industry. Since 2000 he has quietly cobbled together a portfolio of some 300,000 domains that, combined with several other ventures, generate an estimated $70 million a year in revenue. His sites receive 30 million unique visitors a month. Kevin is also responsible for working a deal with the government of Cameroon, which owns the .cm country code domain, to forward all non registered domains to his website agoga.com; which take advantage of users who mistakenly type .cm instead of .com. (content assistance) Jon Postel Why He Matters: He is principally known for being the Editor of the RFC document series, and for managing the creation and allocation of Top Level Domains and IP addresses in the pre-ICANN era. Postel was the RFC Editor from 1969 until his passing, and wrote and edited many important RFCs, including RFCs 0791-0793, which define the basic protocols of the Internet protocol suite. Postel served on the Internet Architecture Board and its predecessors for many years. He was the Director of the names and number assignment clearinghouse, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), from its inception. He was the first member of the Internet Society, and was on the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society. He was the original and long-time .us Top-Level Domain administrator. Postel died of complications following heart valve replacement surgery in Los Angeles, on October 16, 1998. (content assistance) Frank Schilling Pioneering Domain Investor /Sevenmile.com Why He Matters: Frank Schilling's bidding and investment activities helped expand the expiring domain name auction houses; and later, other ICANN accredited registrars selling their registry connections as a drop registrar. Frank Schilling patented the "Generic Top Level Domain Rerouting System" in 2001, financed the Caribbean's first ICANN accredited domain name registrar in 2003, joined as a member of the ICANN business constituency and co-founded the non-profit 'Internet Commerce Association' in 2006. He began domain blog Seven Mile in 2007.Frank Schilling was one of the first to administer very large portfolios of domain names for third-parties and is one of the largest generic domain-name investors in the world. (content assistance) Adam Dicker Owner, DNForum.com / Go Daddy VP of Domain Name Aftermarket Why He Matters: Adam Dicker has built a reputation in the Internet community throughout the years by helping people earn more revenue from their domain name investments. Adam Dicker is the owner of the largest domain industry discussion forum ![]() (content assistance) Picture being updated Russell C. Horowitz CEO, Marchex / Chairman of the Board Director Why He Matters: Russell Horowitz is a founding officer, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and Treasurer of Marchex since January 2003. Russell was previously a founder of Go2Net, which he sold for $1.6 billion. Together Russell Horowitz and Marchex have become a leader in delivering vertical and local online traffic to merchants. Marchex offers services like “feed management” that delivers advertiser listings into search engines and shopping engines. It also offers “bid management,” which helps merchants monitor performance-based search advertising on search engines and pay-per-click networks. (content assistance) Yun Ye Elusive and successful domain pioneer Why He Matters: A onetime computer programmer, Yun Ye used his newly developed software in the late 1990’s to amass an infamous domain empire that was ultimately sold to Marchex for an astonishing $164 million. Yun ye, a Chinese citizen who lived at the time in Vancouver, British Columbia, was intensely private and dealt with the Marchex people only under the agreement that they never mention his name. To this day, Marchex execs refer to the deal by the company name Ye adopted for the transaction: Name Development. (Pic Source) (content assistance) Tim Schumacher Co-Founder and CEO, Sedo Why He Matters: As one of the founders and CEO of the world’s most successful domain marketplace, Sedo.com, Tim Schumacher is responsible for driving the pulse of the domain buying/selling industry with it’s record selling auctions and popular user-interface web tools. As CEO, Schumacher helped Sedo become a profitable dot-com-while maintaining rapid growth and international expansion. Sedo stands for “search engine for domain offers” and is one of the most widely used domain aftermarket websites on the Internet. (content assistance) Tim Berners-Lee Director of the World Wide Web Consortium/ WWW Inventor Why He Matters: Sir Tim Berners-Lee is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, Senior Researcher at MIT’s CSAIL, and professor of Computer Science at SouthHampton ECS. In 1989, while working at CERN laboratory, Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web, including the first HTTP client and server. In 1994 he helped establish the World Wide Web Consortium and has served as it’s Director ever since. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004. (content assistance) John Berryhill Patent Attorney and UDRP legal specialist Why He Matter: Dr. John Berryhill has represented domain name registrants and trademark claimants in numerous UDRP proceedings and federal court proceedings. John has been a longtime advocate for the rights of domain registrants in ICANN working groups and task forces relating to intellectual property and other domain policy issues, and is a representative in the Registrar Constituency. Having earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, John maintains a "nerds-eye view" of issues affecting technology and media companies interested in securing and defending their rights in cyberspace. John Berryhill was a guest speaker at DomainFest in 2007. (content assistance) Chris Chena Pioneering Spanish domainer Why He Matters: Chris Chena, a pioneering Paraguayan domainer that has acquired gems in the Spanish domain industry such as Vlajes.com (trips), Clasificados.com (classified), amistad.com (friendship), and Paraguay.com. Chris has become a premier player in the IDN marketplace and has recently purchased 80% of the popular Paraguayan TV channel, Canal 13. Chris decided to acquire Spanish generic domain names when the rest of the world was scrambling to obtain English generic domains. (content assistance) Bob Parsons CEO, Go Daddy Why He Matters: In 1997, Parsons founded GoDaddy.com, which quickly carved out a niche as an affordable alternative to the larger companies that monopolized the early Internet domain registration market. Ever since then, Bob Parsons and Go Daddy has become the world’s most popular domain name registrar with over 22 million domains registered. Along with controversial promotional ads and provocative television commercials, Bob Parsons is fast becoming the face of registrar domaining. (content assistance) Craig Nine Founder, IDN Forums Why He Matters: The first domain Craig Nine registered was J99.com. Since that day back in 1999, the 32-year-old SEO consultant and web developer living in Japan – first became interested in IDNs, he didn’t just register a couple of domains to test the waters, he dove in headfirst. Nine is not only the owner of one of the strongest Japanese IDN portfolios, he is also the owner and founder of IDNForums.com, the premier IDN discussion and sales forum, and one of the top sites about Internationalized Domain Names. (Content from idncyclopedia.com) Sahar Sarid Co-founder Recall Media Group/ Conceptualist.com Why He Matters: With only determination and his sister’s credit card, Sahar Sarid, Co-Founder of Recall Media Group, successfully began his journey into professional domaining and has become an iconic knowledgeable resource to many in the domain industry. Along with his popular blog, The Conceptualist, Sahar educates his readers with domain specific information and industry news. His current project involves a site called "Assista " which is a search engine powered by asking questions instead of using keywords. (content assistance) Ron James Founder, NamePros.com/ Director 1Plus.net Why He Matters: Ron James founded NamePros in February 2003 and has used his skills to create one of the fastest growing domain forum communities on the Internet. Ron and his staff have created a positive and educational resource forum for the domain industry with no signs of slowing down. Ron James registered his first domain in 1997 and has been actively buying and selling on the domain aftermarket since 1998. (content assistance) Rick Latona Founder, DigiPawn Why He Matters: Rick Latona has been in the Internet business since the beginning. Rick’s popular Sick Site Network controls over 5 million daily unique visitors. He currently owns over 10,000 .com names and is highly respected in the industry. Rick Latona is founder of DigiPawn, the first Internet pawnshop that specializes in lending money to domain name owners that use their domains as collateral. It is pioneering endeavors like this, which are pushing the domain industry to new levels. (content assistance) You Future of the Domain Industry Why You Matter: The future of domaining has fast become highly publicized due to recent world record sales and industry advertising. It seems every TV, radio and print commercial advertisement is now tagged with the website address of the company sponsoring the ad in hopes of driving traffic towards the site. Domain names are no longer a collecting hobby, but a multi-billion-dollar industry that has taken the world by storm. As a domainer, we have dedicated ourselves to searching trends, market influences, future potential interest and overall market appeal of domain names that would be highly sought for purchase or traffic monetization. We are the driving force behind the exploding media behind the domain industry and without you being a part of the frenzy, there would be no frenzy. I would like to thank everyone for your positive influences to our emerging industry and I look forward to adding some new faces to the 2008 edition of the 20 Most Influential People In The Domain Industry. Please be kind in critiquing the choices I have made. These are just one guy's opinion. Cheers, Rudy Hernandez |