FOrward, FOrum, FOrtune.... FO = Faroe, Europe http://flippa.com/6959798-1-fo
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Auction online now at Flippa.com - only 3 days left !
Get the shortest format ccTLD domain in the world - 1.FO - now at http://1.fo/getMe
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Not much time left. Get in now - the shortest domain in the world and one of the most amazing, a real number one: http://1.fo/getMe
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |
$1,500 USD now
18 hours left |
Only 10 hours left at auction - now is the time to get 1.FO. There will surely be big players looking for a "1" again and again. Because a 1 ia a 1 everywhere! Easy to remember with a strong impact. This european based domain might be the big deal one day! Get it before othes do: http://1.fo/getMe
Think about g.co or z.com - 1-chars can be big deals! Here are some deals for 1-chars to compare: 1.xyz international 181.720,00 USD c.gl Greenland 181.720,00 USD 7.gg Guernsey 44.145,00 USD 8.co Colombia 115.000,00 USD (2015) i.la Laos 19.900,00 USD (2015) u.is Iceland 14.700,00 USD (2015) Check also: Z.com sold at 6.800.000 USD g.co sold at 1.500.000+ USD to Google o.co sold at 350.000 USD
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! 此篇文章於 2016-09-22 07:40 PM 被 mspecialists 編輯。 |
Price strongly reduced! Only until 03.10.2016.
The chance to get one of the few shortest ever No. 1 domains worldwide now! http://1.fo/getMe
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |
Price reduced even more - action extended until 07.10.2016!
Maybe your last chance to get a "1" domain from Europe in worlds shortest format! http://1.fo/getMe
http://www.1-single-letter-domains.com - short domains. http://www.mobilespecialists.net - Apps, Typo3 CMS, Online-Communities, Websites online! |