直到最近幾天發生錯誤. 發生原因不明的錯誤。 帳戶: 'Hotmail', 伺服器: 'http://services.msn.com/svcs/hotmail/httpmail.asp', 通訊協定: HTTPMail, 伺服器回應: 'Access to Hotmail via Outlook and Outlook Express now requires a subscription. Please sign up at http://upgrade.msn.com', 連接埠: 0, 安全(SSL): 否, 錯誤碼: 0x80004005 找了一下他們的資料 http://support.microsoft.com/?id=878462 才發現原來以後要用outlook 收信 可能要先 upgrade了(又要付費). 跟原本的yahoo一樣. 本來可以pop3收信,最後都搞到不行用outlook收了. |
我想被suspend 是早晚的事. MSN Hotmail no longer supports Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) for free user accounts. Outlook Express uses the DAV interface to connect to Hotmail. Only paid Hotmail accounts will work correctly with Outlook Express. If you configured Outlook Express or Outlook to access your Hotmail account before DAV support was ended, you may still be able to use Outlook Express to open a free Hotmail account. However, eventually Hotmail will no longer support DAV for all free Hotmail accounts. 下面這一句最重要. However, eventually Hotmail will no longer support DAV for all free Hotmail accounts. |