很有誠意... 所以賣得算是便宜了... 台幣一萬五千元... 折合美金五百元不到... 這中間還有點小插曲... 就在敲定交易那天... 居然有人在 SEDO 出價(很低的價錢)... 這一攪局害這交易延宕了一週... 不過最終總算圓滿完成交易... ? ![]() |
恭喜恭喜 ?
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Gamer.info |
Gamer.info |
不過後來發現 Dagda 的來頭可不小... 這裡有一篇對 Dagda 的介紹... The Irish-Celtic god of the earth and treaties, and ruler over life and death. Dagda, or The Dagda, ("the good god") is one of the most prominent gods and the leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He is a master of magic, a fearsome warrior and a skilled artisan. Dagda is a son of the goddess Danu, and father of the goddess Brigid and the god Aengus mac Oc. The Morrigan is his wife, with whom he mates on New Years Day The Dagda is portrayed as possessing both super- human strength and appetite. His attributes are a cauldron with an inexhaustible supply of food, a magical harp with which he summons the seasons, and an enormous club, with one end of which he could kill nine men, but with the other restore them to life. He also possessed two marvellous swine---one always roasting, the other always growing---and ever-laden fruit trees. One of his epithets is Ollathir, which means "All-father". He is identified with the Welsh Gwydion and the Gallic Sucellos. 呵呵... 居然還是愛爾蘭的神... 其他後綴都被註光了... Google 也有87,100項符合的查詢結果... 坦白講... 我還有點捨不得... |
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