就是我之前在主機商有送一個域名給我,但後來沒有用那間主機了,所以跟他要了權限,知道是在Godaddy.com,(之前主機商跟我要800元域名續約費..太貴),但之前我沒有轉移權限,但過了一年他給了我密碼,現在我又在Godaddy.com建了一個帳號,就是從原先的A轉到B就對了,我很認真的看了板上的步驟,終於完成過程,該點該選的都案了,但現在過了約6天(A帳號卻還是顯示域名狀態)為Changing Accounts In Progress - Public ??一開始轉移過程沒多久就收到Godaddy的信了而信我也點了共有兩封,PENDINGCHANGE OF REGISTRANT INITIATED,還有名為CHANGE OF REGISTRANT 其中一封,裡面有一個網址還有Transaction ID和Security Code,我也做了,但目前域名我去whois查,還是原來的資料,而Godaddy我的A帳戶也還是XXX.net--Changing Accounts In Progress - Public,這是為什麼呢??是我的問題還是..我有寫信去問godaddy他很快的回了我一封(用簡單的英文再寫一次),因為我英文太破了,想請問各位我該如何做呢? 或是該如何寫信求助呢? 小弟先謝謝各位了。 ![]() |
這是這一封CHANGE OF REGISTRANT PENDING Dear Customer, The registrant of the following domain name(s): XXXXX.NET has initiated a process by which you will become the registrant of the domain name(s). To complete the change of registrant: 1. Log in to your account at https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/shopper_lookup.asp?prog_id=GoDaddy&isc=(號碼) OR-- Create an account if you do not already have one. 2. Once logged in, click on the Accept Account Change link from the main Account Manager list, or from the Domain Names dropdown. 3. You will be asked to provide the following codes in order to process this transaction. Please copy and paste them into the corresponding fields when asked: Transaction ID: xxxxx Security Code: xxxxxxx If for any reason this information is incorrect or you feel this change of registrant request was made in error, please contact us immediately at support@godaddy.com. Sincerely, GoDaddy.com 還有這一封CHANGE OF REGISTRANT INITIATED Dear Customer, This message is to confirm that you have initiated a change of registrant for the following domain name(s): XXXXXX.NET If for any reason this information is incorrect or you feel this change of registrant request was made in error, you may cancel this change of registrant by clicking the link below, logging in if prompted, and following the instructions on the web site. https://mya.godaddy.com/Domains/Pend...amp;isc=XXXXXX If you need additional assistance, please contact us immediately at support@godaddy.com. Sincerely, GoDaddy.com 難道我沒有通過嗎?? 謝謝嚕 |
前一封是要你登入你的帳號(準備接收該網名的帳號,如果沒有請先去開戶一個),然後再按上述的連結, 之後再按Accept Account Change 的選項表示接受該網名,並且會要求你輸入以下的代碼:
Transaction ID: xxxxx Security Code: xxxxxxx 第二封信是通知該網名轉出去的那個帳號所有人,你有一個網名正要轉出去,如果這不是你的本意,請按下面的連結阻止。 |
我現在登入godaddy登入我的帳號,接著我去點選上述網址了,但我登入的ID和Code後,顯示There is no account with that information.
Please try again. 這是怎樣呢??謝謝哈拉站長回答。 |
![]() 引用:
如果是的話就再轉一次吧。 |
我觉得这样的情形可以写信去 godaddy的客户服务问一下,他们的回应是很及时的
感謝哈拉站長還有wangzhao,現在我已經完成了,原因是我登入B帳戶時,進入管理但沒有拉下Accept Account Change 進去填寫ID,code所以當然我進不了下一步驟,接者我就一直點確定,(godaddy太多廣告叫你買東西了,要注意,不然按確定連不必要的服務一並買了進去,這就吃虧了),這一次經驗讓我學到轉移的步驟了(英文太濫了),有需要的也可以參考,謝謝嚕。
目前小妹也想要從租用虛擬空間的商家(198host.com)手邊取回網址girls52p.com,對方也同意轉移(註冊商同為Godaddy),但我按移轉卻出現Your Selected Transfers: girls52p.com - This name is unavailable for transfer.
商家那也說沒有遇過(我們沒遇過同一家(Goddady account)要求轉移),請教大大們小妹該如何呢?
Helena |
witweb, 你要的應該不是轉移(transfer),而是要由198host.com作Change Account,把域名轉到你的帳戶。
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