設定www.我的網址.com到我的IP 221.XXX.XXX.XXX 因為我設了很久 都轉不出去 謝謝各位 |
建議你把操作的步驟說出來, 別人想回答, 也比較有個方向!
幫忙賺些奶粉錢, TKS! --- www.stock.com.tw |
1.先到Domain Host Summary
新增www到我的IP 可是他的說明好像說不能從這裡只向IP Domain hosts are not required unless, for example, you intend to set up your own DNS server. We recommend that you DO NOT use this tool unless you have a thorough understanding of this process. Please DO NOT enter "www" as your host name. This is not a redirection service; it will not direct your domain to an IP address. If you are unsure about what a domain host is or you need help in registering a nameserver, please use the "Customer Support" link on this page. 請問要如何處理 謝謝 |
【選擇域名】【Total DNS Control】【Total DNS Control And MX Records 】
:: VNICSTUDIO 電子商務教學系統 :: 24h.Name 免費 DDNS 服務 :: SSL 數位憑證服務中心 :: 進銷存 | 會計軟體 | 電子商務 |
My Account-->Domain Names-->Manage Domains-->Set nameservers
1. Set Name Servers SELECT Default Hosting Name Servers 2. GOTO Domain Host Summary set www.????.com & IP
幫忙賺些奶粉錢, TKS! --- www.stock.com.tw |
我兩種都有設 現在不到1小時 已經可以用了 應該建議godaddy出一個 看圖說故事的說明 |