最近得到回應 都不知道如何續繳費 通知好像也只有寄給我 而真正註冊的網友沒有收到繳費信件 請問有辦法解決嗎? 謝謝 |
eNom 的系統小弟沒用過 RegistryRocket, 只用過 pdq,
小弟針對 eNom 的一些特性來給您作一些方向性的說明. eNom 的金流部分很少,只有 [信用卡] 一種方法. 而[信用卡]今天刷過,明天不見得會過. eNom 的Retail 帳戶要 renew domain 續繳域名費用,只有兩種方法. 1. 自行使用信用卡扣款, 費用為 reseller 對retail 的定價, 可使用 a. 本店 http://enom.com 進行線上扣款. b. 各家分店的 pdq 進行線上扣款. eg: http://registermore.com c. RegistryRocket 需提供金流來讓 retail 帳戶扣款.[未實作不知RegistryRocket 有無此api 程式] 2. 由其parent reseller 幫其 retail 代繳 renew 費用, 會由 reseller 的預繳款中扣除, 且使用reseller 的費用, 也比 retail 費用便宜. 結論: 1. eNom 的 retail 帳戶 renew 是一個很大的問題,也很難解決, pdq 幫您解決了金流部分,只使用信用卡但是不見得信用卡會過, RegistryRocket 需要找出金流的 API , 小弟並未實作過, 您可以請版上高手幫幫忙. 2. eNom 的 reseller 可以幫其 retail 續費, 金流部分需自行解決, 需手動處理; 如果要 real time 的續費可能需要其他的套裝軟體,版上大大以前文章有提過, 需自行購買,或使用 eNom 的 API 自行開發. |
蠻奇怪的設計...^^" |
只要公司站起來了,就會限制東限制西... eNom 原本提供的功能,有很多都取消了. eg: 1. refill funds for sub_reseller... 2. create the same price sub_reseller account... ... 如果現在不用,相信以後會限制更多... 不如去找一些其他新的 registrar reseller program 相信他們的功能保證比老字號提供的還多... 缺點就是:不知道新的 registrar 會不會倒... |
現在陸續反應無法續繳 真的是很麻煩...^^" |
Hello Aaron, I was thinking about your issue and I think I found the same answer for you only written a little better. Hopefully this helps. How do my clients renew an expired domain through Registry Rocket? Registry Rocket does not provide an option to renew expired domains. Only active domains can be renewed through Registry Rocket. As Registry Rocket is designed for updating an active domain, once the domain expires you can no longer update any of the records. Therefore, the record cannot be pulled using the Registry Rocket interface. If the domain has expired, the reseller can reactivate it through the reseller's list of expired domains. Just add it to your cart and process the renewal order directly. As this deducts the renewal amount from your available balance, you will need to charge your clients directly to recover the costs of the renewal. You might allow them to send you a check or pay via PayPal, that option is up to you. Another option is to create a sub-account for your customer and allow them to renew with a credit card. You then will need to use the PUSH A LIST option to push the expired domain to their account. eNom Technical Support www.enom.com/help ICANN Accredited Registrar |